The majesty and the authority and the power of Jesus Christ is about to transform the whole world, and not only the whole world, but every Christians view of Christ is about to undergo a paradigm shift.
Let me say this in a little different way. The last book in the Bible is called the Revelation (the revealing) of Jesus Christ. Each revealing gets more powerful and with each revealing it gets more overwhelming, so that at the 6th revealing, at the Sixth Seal, the revealing of the authority and power of Christ is so great, that the wicked people of Earth, run from His presence and cry for the rocks and the mountains to fall upon them.
The revealing of the authority of Christ at the Fourth Seal is going to be shattering for most Christians. The God they call Jesus, that the Christian world to a great extent has created, is an icon of Jesus that does not fully and correctly represent who the real Jesus is. The Jesus that most Christians today worship, is unlike the Jesus that they are about to see, and that's going to be their undoing. That’s why the last book of the Bible is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ because most people have no idea, no frame of reference, by which to understand that these physical judgments, that these physical things are going to put the authority of Jesus and all that He is into perspective.
I like the imagery of Jesus talking to the woman at the well. I love that. I love the imagery of Jesus talking to Nicodemus one night. I love the imagery of the kind and patient and loving Jesus healing the sick and tending to the needs of whoever He met, but I also understand there's a component of Jesus that will cleanse the Temple if need be, who will throw over the money tables and drive out the businessmen from His Temple. There's a streak in Jesus, if you will, when authority is needed according to the Father's plan, Jesus will carry out that authority with no more delay.
The Bible tells us there will be a frightening display of Divine Power a few days before God's wrath begins, and the world will witness deafening and intimidating peals of thunder, awesome sheets of high-voltage lightning, deep rumblings from within the earth, and finally a 12-point global earthquake that will rip up man's infrastructures, travel, and manufacturing.
God is going to get, Jesus is going to get the attention of the whole world. With each opening, breaking of each seal, we have a brighter and more powerful and more glorious revelation of Jesus.
The first time Jesus came to Earth, He came relatively unknown. Nobody knew who He was, just a few shepherds, some wise men, Mary and Joseph, in an obscure little country that historically when you look at Western civilization is not even in the picture, it's so insignificant, and yet in the Bible it's everything. So when Jesus came to earth the first time, He came as an unknown. The Father has determined that won't happen again.
When Jesus comes back the
second time everybody on Earth will know who He is, everybody on Earth will know what He is about, and everyone on Earth will be found submissive or rebellious. Jesus said, “I have come not to bring peace but a sword.” Remember His words? We are about to see the sword part. It's called God's wrath. And when God's wrath breaks out, the sensor will be cast down and corporate intercession will end and the wrath of God will begin. And the beautiful thing about this as horrible as it sounds, is that many people will be saved through God's wrath when they could not be saved through His mercy. What a Savior. What a Savior we have in Jesus.
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