4 Prophetic Promises in Revelation That Give Believers Hope for the Future
While many mysteries, questions and debates arise as to when Jesus will return and how He will come again, the Word of God guarantees four prophecies that will unfold imminently. These soon-coming events are being prepared in our world on a daily basis.
People express opinions and philosophies on where our world is headed, but few align with the Bible and God's prophecies. Most are the expression of secular humanism and how we can somehow solve all of these problems — from war, to climate change, to disease, to social unrest and conflict, to famine and our economic turmoil. Encompassing all of these threats and dangers are the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the angel of death as he reaps his harvest daily across the globe.
God gives us four prophetic promises that are certainties within the mysteries of Revelation and Bible prophecies. They are our anchors of hope and comfort and strength in the midst of these storms. They are centered on Jesus Christ as the God who will come and deliver us into a new world order of perfection.
- Jesus will return as King in His glory as God and Man.
- Jesus will be triumphant over Satan and all that is evil.
- Jesus will sit in judgment and hold all nations and people accountable for their actions.
- Jesus will restore and establish the new and final world order of peace and justice, love and glory in the salvation plan of God's oneness.
Jesus promised to return and gave us the signs and prophecies of His second coming along with how we should live to prepare the way for His return. It will happen suddenly. He will come in His glory. He will gather up the dead and the living who follow Him to give us new, resurrected eternal bodies as He has. This wonderful gift will be beyond anything we can imagine.
Jesus will defeat Satan, his angels, his kings, their armies, and all who have rejected Him and His ways and His truth. The corrupt, evil world system of Babylon will collapse and be devoured by Satan, his lies and deception under God's judgment. All who have been marked in covenant with Satan will be conquered by Jesus in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm.
Jesus will then sit as the Eternal Judge over the nations and over all people who have ever lived on the earth. All those who loved and followed Him and whose names are written in the Book of Life will be rewarded with everlasting life with Him. Those who followed Satan and his world order of secular humanism, which replaced God with man, will be forever separated from God in what is described as a lake of fire.
For those who followed Jesus and lived in covenant with God, sealed by the Holy Spirit, the curse of sin and death will be removed. The blessings of God will bathe us forever as we worship and love God and love one another. Those who lived in covenant with Satan will suffer eternal torment, punishment for their rejection of God's Son and His love.
Jesus will restore to creation the perfection of a new heaven and a new earth without sin and rebellion and death. There will be no more tears, suffering or separation from God. The oneness, love, peace and truth of God will be established by Jesus under the authority of His Father as in the love of the Bridegroom for His bride. There will be no place for those who chose secular humanism and the ways of Satan and man. They will be locked out of this marriage feast.
We will know God in the fullness of life as He created us to be in His image. All of creation will rejoice in its worship of the Father and Son. The Light of God's glory will illuminate our new way of life. The blessings of God in fruitful multiplication as given in the beginning of Adam and Eve will be restored for us to enjoy in fellowship with God and His family.
This truth needs to be proclaimed throughout the world. We are to awaken people to Jesus and His return. We are to prepare the way as we partner with Jesus as He gave His vision to the apostles and His followers to make disciples of all nations, and to live as He taught us in Matthew 24 and 25 in this season before He comes as our Lord and King.
How does this apply to your life? How are you living this out in partnership with Jesus and within your local body of believers? Write your answers out and live it out in the power of the Holy Spirit in love with Jesus. This season of wonderful adventure will mark the return of Jesus the Christ.
Blake Lorenz has pastored in the Orlando area for 34 years and has been blessed with the opportunity to evangelize globally, visiting five continents and preaching the gospel to tens of thousands. Blake has also helped plant 500 churches. He has been working in Israel for the past 20 years, including serving on the board of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in connection with the Knesset. In 2020, blakelorenzministries.com and the Awaken podcast launched to teach and challenge others to join Blake on a journey of anticipating the return of Jesus. He has used the three books he's written in his seminars and conferences. He and his wife, Beverly, share three children and six grandchildren.
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