How the Fire of God Smote a Small City in Oklahoma
A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit has begun in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, ignited by the fire of God skipping like a ram from the recent outpouring in Coffeyville, Kansas.
Chaplain Jim Linzey and I had shared with several pastors in Bartlesville how the Holy Spirit began moving in Coffeyville. Pastor Wayman White of Liberty Temple of Bartlesville was moved by the Holy Spirit at our meeting, and he concurred that pastors and congregations there needed to unite and worship together. Consequently, the fire of God landed upon us, and revival broke out among us.
The flames of revival broke out in Bartlesville on Sunday evening, May 15. People from various churches had come together at Victory Church, pastored by David Stoupe. A dynamic worship leader on keyboard and vocals, while leading in praise and worship a woman in her 60s was lit aflame by the Holy Spirit. She fluttered across the sanctuary, dancing in the Spirit like a whirlwind. The flame skipped across the sanctuary and lit everyone else on fire by the Spirit. People began shouting as they sang, lifting holy hands unto a holy God and speaking and singing in tongues.
We invited Rev. Steve Griffin, pastor of New Beginnings Family Church of Bartlesville, to speak. He was red-hot with the flames of Holy Spirit fire all over him as he screamed for the presence of God to come down upon everyone in a greater, deeper dimension. "Receive the Holy Ghost fire!" Rev. Griffin shouted over and over. People were slain in the Spirit. Rev. Jim Linzey, a retired Army chaplain, laid hands on one young man who was addicted to methamphetamine. The young man began shaking and quaking uncontrollably with his hands in the air.
Pastor Griffin's wife sang a special song, and the presence of the Holy Spirit became so gentle, resting peacefully upon the congregation. Then everyone grew quiet in the Spirit.
Suddenly, outbursts in the Spirit erupted in the midst of the stillness while Sister Griffin still sang. I've never seen anything like this in my life. Several people got saved at the altar.
The following night, Monday, the revival continued at Victory Church. The manifestations continued in even greater ways, and several more people were saved. Pastor Steve Griffin spoke again. This time my wife, Chyrel, was knocked out on the floor by the fire of God for about an hour.
Rev. Griffin laid hands on me, shouting, "Fire of God!" I was smitten by the fire of God, and I went off speaking in tongues!
Meanwhile, Pastor Bart Graham of the First Pentecostal Church of Bartlesville laid hands on people in the audience as people were lifting their hands, praising God and speaking in tongues.
Rev. Randy DePriest, pastor of First Assembly of God of Coffeyville, heard about how the fire of God had broken out Sunday night, so he came Monday night to see how God was moving. His church was formerly pastored by Rev. F.L. Doyle, stepfather of Charisma author Evangelist Verna Hall Linzey, in 1928! Numerous other pastors were also present.
After the Sunday night experience, fellowship continued after we left the premises. But revival followed. Rev. Graham was so filled with the Holy Spirit that he preached Christ at Braum's Ice Cream Parlor. He told one young mother that she needed to get back in church and not face hell for not knowing Christ. Her children said, "Yeah, Mom!"
Rev. Graham exclaimed to us that there had been 150 people at church on Sunday night, and it appeared that the crowd grew even bigger Monday night. Evangelist Allan Walker blessed the revival with his presence. Several months ago, God had used Evangelist Walker to teach on the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the church where I pastor — Emmanuel Chapel of South Coffeyville, Oklahoma — where Chaplain Linzey had come forward and led everyone in praying in the Spirit.
The move of the fire of God is so real that Tuesday, May 17, about a dozen pastors from Nowata, Oklahoma, who had already heard about the revival in Bartlesville met me at Emmanuel Chapel desiring for a move of the Holy Spirit in their town. We fellowshipped and broke bread most of the day, praying and speaking in tongues, pleading for the Spirit of God to move amongst them.
Now pastors in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, are beginning to come together with me to pray down Holy Ghost fires of revival in their town. The wildfire has broken loose!
James Feltner and his wife, Chyrel, are the pastors of Emmanuel Chapel in South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, and are the authors of Divine God Encounters. They are church planters and have pastored for 31 years in the South and Midwest.
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