Exclusive: Joseph Farah sounds alarm on 'disaster' for party on 'wrong side of history'
Editor’s note: Joseph Farah is leading the annual WND tour of Israel through Nov. 15.
JERUSALEM – Political consultant Frank Luntz says a new survey of elite Democrats shows three-quarters believe Israel has too much influence on U.S. foreign policy, with half of them believing the Jewish state is racist.
Luntz calls the poll results a disaster for Israel.
I call it a disaster for Democrats.
The survey shows Democrat opinion elites are now backing Arab Palestinian demands and turning away from Israel.
“Israel can no longer claim to have the bipartisan support of America,” Luntz said. “Israel has won the hearts and minds of Republicans in America, while at the same time it is losing the Democrats.”
- Asked about Israeli influence on U.S. foreign policy, 76 percent of the elite Democrats said the Jewish state has too much. Only 20 percent of Republicans agreed.
- Asked whether Israel is a racist country, 47 percent of Democrats answered affirmatively, with just 13 percent of Republicans agreeing. Another 21 percent of Democrats didn’t know or were neutral. Only 32 percent of Democrats disagreed when asked if Israel is a racist country, as opposed to 76 percent of Republicans.
- Asked whether Israel wants peace with its neighbors, 88 percent of Republicans said it does. Only 48 percent of Democrats agreed.
- Asked whether they would be more likely to vote for a local politician who supported Israel and its right to defend itself, 76 percent of Republicans said yes, while only 18 percent of Democrats said yes. Meanwhile, 32 percent of Democrats said they would be less likely to support a local politician who backed Israel.
- Asked whether they would be more likely to vote for a local politician who criticized Israeli occupation and mistreatment of Palestinians, 45 percent of Democrats said yes.
- Asked whether the U.S. should support Israel or the Palestinians, 90 percent of Republicans said Israel, while just 51 percent of Democrats agreed.
- Asked if “settlements” are an impediment to peace, 75 percent of Democrats and 25 percent of Republicans agreed.
Am I surprised by the results?
I’m only surprised that so many American Jews still vote Democrat.
As for the turning away from Israel by so many Democrats, it is to be expected. The Democratic Party has turned away from the God of Israel. Why should anyone expect the Democratic Party to support God’s people?
Am I worried for Israel?
Not in the least.
I am worried for the Democrats.
I am worried for other so-called “progressives” who are turning away from God and His land.
I am worried about so-called “Christians” who have fallen into this deception as well.
There are consequences for doing so, and they are grave.
God promised Abraham a long time ago that He will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee. That’s an eternal promise. It has never been broken.
I am more concerned for America today over its view of Israel than I am for Israel’s fate. Israel’s fate is certain. Just read the Bible if you don’t understand it. Read Joel Richardson’s new book, “When a Jew Rules the World,” if you want to understand what’s in store for the Jewish state.
I’ll give you a hint. It will soon be at the center of the world, and nations will be judged on the basis of how they treat His people.
Democrats have always been on the wrong side of history.
They supported slavery. They supported the Jim Crow system. They supported abortion – and still do. They supported the abomination of same-sex marriage – and still do. And now they are shifting away their support for Israel and the Jewish people.
Read more at comments: Today, the Democrats are godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists--Against God and His Word--Against Israel. They are striving for the One World Government of Satan and his son, the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist. And God Almighty gives it to them, for a Moment, because they Refuse to love the Truth! (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) Then God begins His Great Tribulation which lasts for Three and One-half Years, where the face of the Earth is Ruined and men die like Flies for their Disobedience to God and His Word.
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