The story of the Pilgrims meeting Native Americans is retold in the 2015 TV movie, “Saints & Strangers” (courtesy National Geographic Channels)
Limbaugh: 'It's criminal the way these people have rewritten history'
Joe Kovacs
While the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620 have been portrayed by some in the media in recent years as villains who sparked genocide against Native Americans, 2015 appears to be an exception, at least at the Huffington Post.
A new column by Igor Bobic, an associate politics editor at the website, tries to equate the Pilgrims’ story to the current situation involving the influx of Syrian refugees, as Bobic writes, “It’s worth keeping in mind that the U.S. has a long history of taking in refugees.”
Bobic continued, “When the Mayflower pilgrims landed in New England in the early 17th century, they established a harvest celebration that would later become known as Thanksgiving by sitting down with Native Americans gracious enough to share their land and way of life. And, well, we all know how that turned out.”
That paragraph did not sit well with radio host Rush Limbaugh, himself a historian who wrote the best-selling book, “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.”
“It’s criminal the way these people have rewritten [history] and maybe don’t even understand history in the first place!” Limbaugh exclaimed on his day-before-Thanksgiving broadcast Wednesday. “That paragraph is 150 percent wrong.”
Radio host Rush Limbaugh
Limbaugh continued: “But he goes on to say today the Pilgrims are embodied in the Syrian refugees, which means – if you take this guy all the way out to his logical conclusion – the Syrian refugees are gonna kill all of us after sitting down and having dinner with us. And they’re gonna take everything we’ve got. And they’re gonna mass march all over the country and commit genocide and establish this nation as ‘Syria West.’”
“This is much the same kind of thinking as at Christmas time,” said Limbaugh. “You’ll find some liberals say your average homeless guy is the moral equivalent of Mary and Joseph looking for a hotel. Mary and Joseph, the original homeless, the parents of Jesus Christ.”
Igor Bobic of the Huffington Post
In his column, Bobic explained that “incendiary rhetoric over Syrian refugees and whether to admit them into the U.S. in the wake of the deadly Paris attacks is at odds with the United States’ historical role in the world – that of giving shelter to the oppressed.
He said “describing some refugees – women, children and families – as rabid dogs or terrorists and spreading falsehoods about blacks and Muslims, however, demeans the very same principle of American exceptionalism (and Thanksgiving!) many candidates frequently tout on the campaign trail.”
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Some are predicting the glorification of the Pilgrims in 2015 will not extend to future Thanksgivings.
Katie Yoder at Newsbusters noted: “Make no mistake. To lefties, the Pilgrims were still the worst thing ever to happen (barring Christopher Columbus and that annoying Constitution thing) and next year it will be back to our regularly scheduled vilification. But right now they’re a convenient turkey leg to beat conservatives with.”
As WND reported Tuesday, there’s a push by some on the political left to make Thanksgiving a “national day of mourning,” a holiday associated with sadness, guilt and remorse rather than celebration, thankfulness and good cheer.
Read more at comments: The fact is that Muslims will Never Assimilate into American Culture--The Koran Forbids this. The Muslims already in America will be a source of Unending Trouble as they attempt to Islamicize America as well as Foment Terrorism. America will live in Fear from now on.
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