Exclusive: Marisa Martin notes Muslims wouldn't recognize 'peaceful values' if 'flaming pig lard shoved up noses'
The last time American Nohemi Gonzalez was in Paris, she was bleeding to death under a pile of slain Frenchmen. Gonzalez was a 23-year-old design student from California State University.
Last week’s slaughter by radical Muslems is unusual for a number of reasons. It wasn’t the cruelty or psychotic aloofness (all standard Islamic genocide procedure). Concert-goers and restaurant patrons weren’t noticeably Jewish or Christian. Some were even Muslim.
Russian mock version of Paris peace
Sad scrolling lists of the dead reveal some patterns. Trendy hip areas. Venues for the young and secular. Most of them were non-political and the sort who cheer on Muslim immigrants with open arms and good will. A host of young people in creative professions were gunned down in Paris – artists, musicians, film makers, actors and more.
- Alban Denuit a 32-year-old sculptor was represented by Galerie Eponyme.
- Germain Ferey worked with audiovisual illustration.
- Two 29-year-old architects died: Quentin Mourier and Mohamed Amine Ibnolmobarak.
- Young mother Claire Camax and Caroline Prénat and Elodie Breuil were graphic designers, as well as our American girl Gonzalez.
- Fabrice Dubois worked in advertising and Djamila Houd was with a fashion house.
- Film director Maxime Bouffard perished, as well as actor Romain Feuillade.
- Even more musicians or those related to the music industry died because of Islam last week. They were gifted violinists, flutists and band members from Chile. Three young men and women worked for Universal Music France. They were students and instructors of music as well as a music journalist and a film composer.
How will the art world respond or react to this? Millions of tweets of solidarity and condolence fly across the globe. Everything is tri-colored … except the White House.
About 24 hours after the attacks, a 32-year-old French graphic designer Jean Jullien wanted to do something to express “peace and solidarity.” A little doodle of the Eiffel Tower/peace sign he quickly made went viral.
Design by Jean Jullien consoles the French – a little
Jullien’s “PeaceforParis” motif is showing up around the world on clothing, posters and websites, yet he is subdued about the sudden spotlight. “But I can’t feel pride or happiness because it is such a dark time. … It’s undesired exposure,” he said to CNN about the reach of his simple image, which accomplished all he hoped for and more.
France is hoping and praying for peace, although they are conspicuously in the House of War at the moment.
While Paris grieves their shining young and talented victims, a blindfolded Muslim man was offering “hugs” to hundreds of shattered Frenchmen at the Place de la Republique.
In a masterful display of inappropriate grandstanding, he made the tragedy all about him and his. “Hug me if you trust me, I’m told I’m a terrorist,” his sign read. Rather than offer an apology or a single tear, the anonymous Muslim asked grieving Parisians to make peace with him. And they did, overcome with some kind of group-hug phenomena, so great that mere genocide is nothing beside it.
Paris – Place de la Republique and Muslim asking for hugs.
Obviously my opinion wasn’t shared by the crowds caught up in this. Their cathartic tears were real, but only prove Europeans “trust” virtually anyone, which may be very empowering news for ISIS. Perhaps they all went home feeling much better after submitting to a Muslim stranger yet again. It’s like a child who is repeatedly raped, but occasionally shown love and affection by his attacker to confuse and disarm him. Also it suggests a new motto for liberal Parisians: “We are all Stockholm (Syndromers) now.”
This token Islamic performance artist may intend no harm, but his shtick diminishes the harm done by his militant brothers. Possibly it’s the first salvo to derail serious dialogue about violent Islam by whipping up emotion and false guilt. It worked for decades. “I offer you my magic Muslim embrace so you can forget about all that decency, human rights and justice nonsense. Line up here, France!”
As I write this, sons of the Parisian hugger are working their way across Europe and North America, insisting on unquestioned love and acceptance. Hey it worked in Paris, perhaps muggers will use it next.
Spin-off hugger in Canada
Expect liberal catch words of condemnation. “Racism,” the Crusades,” “the children,” “refugees,” and “#Islamophobia” (which happens to be the Twitter link video for this serial huggee).
Young architect Mohamed Ibnolmobarak from Morocco was described by a former professor as an intellectual who hoped to spread “the peaceful values of his religion.” Tragically Ibnolmobarak was mown down with the common infidels last Friday. His killers wouldn’t have recognized “peaceful values” if buckets of flaming pig lard were being shoved up their nose.
Will artists or filmmakers ever do anything substantial, controversial or risky again? Something someone may not approve of? Oh the horror! Western, liberal artdom has been stuck on trite and art by poll numbers for decades now. It will take something different to bring tangible comfort and hope to these French survivors.
I am imagining what that may look like but it isn’t a peace sign or an engineered “hug.”
- Eponyme Galerie
- International Business Times
- Art newspaper
My comments: When will the West understand there is no Taming of Islam?
The Koran is a Terror Manual, as it has always been, and always will be. It is Obviously Suicidal for the West to take in more Muslim Immigrants and yet they continue. INSANE!
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