Journalist exposes multiple ways today's colleges teach 'young people to be mentally ill'
Death rates among middle-aged white Americans have been rising in recent years, driven by an epidemic of suicides and substance abuse, and the phenomenon has confounded many health and mortality experts.
But it hasn’t confounded award-winning journalist David Kupelian, who explained during a recent radio interview on “The Janet Mefferd Show”: “The political and cultural left that gave us the sexual revolution and rampant divorce and the idea that there is no God. … This has metastasized and bloomed,” he said, into a widespread negative and even pathological influence on millions of Americans.
Kupelian shared some statistics from his new book, “The Snapping of the American Mind”:
- 110 million Americans have a sexually transmitted disease,
- 1 in 4 middle-aged women are taking antidepressants,
- And 130 million Americans depend on some sort of mind-altering substance just to get through life.
David Kupelian
“These are astounding numbers, and I’m saying that all this horrible wretchedness and pathology and suffering is being caused in large part by the progressive left that claims to be saving us and enlightening us and liberating us, and instead, they are enslaving us,” Kupelian declared.
“The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture” – autographed by the author – is available now from the WND Superstore!
For at least the past 100 years, the author explained, leftists have been slowly but surely seizing control of most major American institutions, including the news media, many churches and especially the education system. One result of a left-wing public education system is that many young Americans have been raised on a diet of political correctness and victimhood.
Audio clip of Kupelian describing to radio host Janet Mefferd the left’s infiltration of America’s institutions:
As evidence, Kupelian noted the growing obsession on America's college campuses with extreme political correctness and "taking offense" at things so minuscule they can hardly be seen - hence the term "microaggressions." Likewise, the phenomenon of students and faculty rising up in arms over what amounts to the differences of opinion that are part of normal, everyday life. Simple words or phrases once considered innocent are now deemed offensive and worthy of sanction, ridicule and punishment. Overly sensitive students seek "safe spaces" on campus where they don't have to be subjected to ideas they might find disagreeable. Many students even take to censoring, protesting or disinviting on-campus speakers who have view with which they disagree.
This sort of behavior creates a climate of fear not just on campuses, but in the country at large.
"The country as a whole is basically being affected by this fear and intimidation," the intended effect of the far left's political correctness, "and you know what happens?" Kupelian asked. "It's a form of brainwashing. … We're not only afraid to say what we think, we're afraid to think what we think."
Kupelian referenced a September article in the Atlantic, "The Coddling of the American Mind," a title very similar to that of Kupelian's book. The authors of the widely read article contended that today's toxic campus environment is actually harmful to students' mental health.
"A campus culture devoted to policing speech and punishing speakers is likely to engender patterns of thought that are surprisingly similar to those long identified by cognitive behavioral therapists as causes of depression and anxiety," the authors wrote. "The new protectiveness may be teaching students to think pathologically."
Likewise, the ubiquitous campus "hooking up" culture of sexual promiscuity has now been proven to lead directly to much higher levels of depression in college women.
Kupelian remarked: "We are teaching our young people to be mentally ill for only $50,000 or $60,000 a year!"
Another audio clip of "The Janet Mefferd Show" with David Kupelian:
Kupelian weighed in on why so many young people voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 and are supporting openly socialist candidate Bernie Sanders ("Trump called him a 'communist maniac,'" Kupelian noted) for president in 2016:
"This is not just a generation of young people that don't really know what makes America [work], the principles of this country that have made it successful in the past; this is also more and more a broken generation," he said. "The amount of depression and mental illness that's being recorded in our colleges by the social scientists and the people that are there treating them is through the roof."
Leftists are able to take advantage of that brokenness and ignorance of America's past, says the author. And because they control the schools, the news media, the entertainment world and many mainline churches, they are able to reinforce their values over and over.
One of those values, according to Kupelian, is the fairly recent push for transgender acceptance. He believes the left doesn't actually care about transgender people, but it uses the issue to attack its biggest enemy: Christianity. On the other hand, corporate CEOs go along with all of the ever-growing LGBT movement's demands because they perceive it's popular in the larger culture, and they don't want to drive customers away or, worse, suffer boycotts and discrimination lawsuits.
Yet, in Kupelian's view, too many Americans are simply unaware of what's really going on under their noses. He pointed to the ubiquitous "man on the street" interviews, such as Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" or Jesse Watters's segments on "The O'Reilly Factor," which showcase ordinary Americans' painful ignorance. Some people classify such ignorant people as apathetic, but Kupelian thinks that's not quite it.
"It's more just like people are lost in their own worlds – their electronic world of their tablet and their smartphone and their iPods and their Internet, and they really have no idea where we've come from and where we're going, and they're just going along for this ride," he said.
However, Kupelian believes it's not too late for Americans to rise up and take back their country from the progressive left – but first, people need to snap out of their current delusions.
"It's not too late, but we really do need to wake up," Kupelian declared. "We need to wake up and give up this sort of self-doubt and self-hatred that we have adopted. … We've had so many people that have fought and bled, and many died, to preserve freedom for this country, and we are literally throwing it away. We are believing insane ideologies, adopting crazy practices."
In this final audio clip, Kupelian talks with Janet Mefferd about how to deal with all the evil influences in today's America:
Kupelian recommends people look to Jesus Christ as their example for how to take the country back. Jesus lived in extremely difficult times, with crucified people sometimes lining the roadsides, and people wanted him to lead a revolt against Rome. But he refused, said Kupelian, because it was a different type of kingdom he had come to establish and a different revolution he came to lead.
"I would say we need to take our cue from that," Kupelian said. "If we're going to get our country back – I'd love to as much as anybody listening right now to get our country back – but it's got to start with us."
SPECIAL OFFER: Get your copy of David Kupelian's "The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture" – autographed and personalized – at a special discount at the WND Superstore!
Also, get Kupelian's culture-war bestseller, "The Marketing of Evil" – now available in paperback – and the acclaimed sequel, "How Evil Works," also in paperback – all available, autographed by the author, at the WND Superstore!
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/11/snapping-how-left-is-driving-americans-mad/#3TV87cLvjWmWlSxY.99My comments: The "Left", the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists, "control the schools, the news media, the entertainment world and many mainline churches, they are able to reinforce their values over and over." In addition to this they Control the Government, the Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Big Business, and on and on. The godless have worked Diligently over Decades to achieve this Control. This reality renders America HOPELESS without REPENTANCE before the Living God. It is ALL in Defiance of God and His Word. It is ALL exactly what Scripture tells us would happen in the Last of the Last Day of TIME.
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