75% of 'refugees' are men of military age
The Obama administration is “actively considering” ways to help relieve the European migrant crisis, and among the options on the table is a massive resettlement of “refugees” inside the United States.
Peter Boogaard, a spokesman for the National Security Council, told the Associate Press the United States is in contact with countries in the Middle East and Europe grappling with the migration of nearly 400,000 Middle Eastern and African migrants into Europe.
Boogaard did not elaborate on specific measures being considered, but said they included “refugee resettlement.”
“Many are fleeing the civil war in Syria and areas in Iraq under the control of Islamic State militants,” the AP reported.
But a closer look at the United Nations refugee agency’s data shows that many of the so-called refugees are likely not refugees at all.
According to data from the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, 75 percent of the migrants who arrived on European soil are men, while 13 percent are children and 12 percent women.
And only a slight majority, 51 percent, of the refugees are Syrian. The remainder are from all over the Middle East and North Africa and many have purchased the passports of dead Syrians.
These passports are easily acquired on the black market in the Middle East, said journalist Daniel Greenfield in an interview Sunday with the Glazov Gang.
“People are just buying Syrian passports, because at the end of the day, how are you going the check them in the middle of a bloody civil war, where hundreds of thousands of people are dead?” he asked. “You can’t just call the Syrians over the phone and ask, ‘Is this guy legitimately living over at 424 Destroyed City Lane?’ So you’ve got a whole bunch of people who are pretending to be Syrian refugees. It’s a major problem in France. It’s a major problem in Europe. It’s a major problem here (in the U.S.), but the Obama administration is really eager to find new undocumented Democratic voters anywhere it can.”
Watch Middle Eastern migrants shouting “Allahu Akbar” followed by angry chants while being transported on a train in France:
In Budapest, another video captured and posted to YouTube shows chaos breaking out on a city square as police tried to round up hundreds of migrants while they chanted "F--- you!"
John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, said the refugee crisis is being driven by "two errors" – Obama's failed promise to "degrade and destroy" ISIS, and Germany's "irresponsible" announcement to lay out the welcome mat for 800,000 migrants. That invitation has caused Turkey to start emptying out its refugee camps, Bolton told Fox News, sending them on toward Europe.
"But even once you have a flow of refugees like this. It's not the first time the world has seen something like this. We know what needs to be done," Bolton told Fox News. "Turkey has not stepped up. Germany was irresponsible to say they would accept 800,000 refugees ... which has created a magnet there drawing these refugees, with Turkey allowing people to cross through its territory into Europe."
Will Obama make announcement on refugees during pope's visit?
With Pope Francis due to arrive in the United States Sept. 23 to address Congress and the United Nations, some are speculating that Obama could be gearing up for a big announcement on refugees timed in accordance with the pope's visit.
"Obama might announce it when the pope is here," Ann Corcoran, author of the blog site Refugee Resettlement Watch, told WND. "That would be perfect timing. If I'm Obama, I see that as the perfect opportunity for maximum world exposure on this issue. So my guess is something big is going to be announced."
Corcoran said she would not be surprised if Obama announced the U.S. will resettle 150,000 or more refugees in 2016, more than double the amount it has taken in in recent years.
GOP front-runner Donald Trump, in an interview with MSNBC over the weekend, was asked whether the U.S. should assist the European countries and accept some of the migrants.
"We have so many problems, and the answer is, possibly, yes," Trump said.
Big business
Refugee resettlement is a nearly $1.5 billion program in the U.S. overseen by the U.S. State Department in which nine private agencies resettle foreign refugees into more than 190 cities and towns across the U.S. The agencies are paid by the federal government to do this work and they in turn subcontract with smaller agencies and church groups to carry out the work of finding shelter for the refugees, signing them up for government welfare programs and getting their children enrolled in public schools.
More than 95 percent of all refugees who enter the United States are hand selected by the U.N. refugee agency. The nearly $1.5 billion price tag does not include the cost of providing social welfare benefits and education to the refugees.
The nine resettlement agencies have been lobbying Washington for months to dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees accepted into the United States. The U.S. has for years been accepting a total of about 70,000 foreign refugees per year from all countries. But the resettlement agencies have been pushing the White House and Congress to accept 65,000 from Syria alone by the end of 2016.
The nine agencies lobbying Obama and Congress to accept more refugees receive hundreds of millions of dollars in federal taxpayer dollars.
They are as follows: The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee (secular), Church World Services, World Relief (made up of evangelicals), the Ethiopian Community Development Council (secular) and the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (secular).
Saudi Arabia, Gulf states take zero refugees
While Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan have been swamped with Syrian and Iraqi refugees fleeing ISIS and other jihadist groups, some of the most wealthy Middle East countries have been notably absent from the discussion of where Syrian Muslims should be welcomed.
The Saudis haven't offered to take any refugees, nor have they been publicly called upon by the U.N. and the resettlement agencies to do so. Ditto for Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain, even though these states offer geographic proximity and a common culture based on Islam and Shariah law.
This lack of responsiveness by the Saudis and other Gulf states was spotlighted by Amnesty International, which also noted that wealthy countries such as Japan, Russia, Singapore and South Korea also have taken zero refugees from Syria.
To date, the Obama administration has committed to taking 5,000 to 8,000 Syrians by the end of 2016, about 1,500 of which have already entered the U.S. and are now being resettled in various cities and towns.
Germany opens its doors wide
Germany has committed to take 800,000 refugees this year, by far the largest commitment of any country and more than four times the number of refugees Germany accepted last year.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday that Germany could take 500,000 refugees annually "for years," according to the Guardian. She told the BBC that the "breathtaking" influx of refugees into Germany will "occupy and change" Germany in the coming years.
She said Germany would speed up asylum procedures and build extra housing but called on other E.U. countries to help.
The U.K. will take 20,000 over five years and France agreed to receive 24,000. Venezuela announced Tuesday it would take 20,000 Syrians.
But not all European countries are laying out the welcome mat for the refugees, more than 95 percent of which they know are Muslims even though talk of religious affiliation is taboo in the mainstream European press just as it is in America.
Denmark has placed advertisements in Lebanese newspapers announcing tighter regulations and cuts in welfare provisions in an attempt to warn off asylum seekers. The advertisement published on Monday said that social assistance for newly arrived refugees was being reduced by up to 50 percent, Al-Jazeera reported. Hungary, whose prime minister, Viktor Orban, said last week Hungary does not want to lose its Christian heritage, is also in a defensive posture and plans to build an 8-foot fence along its southern border.
Debate heating up in United States
In the U.S., the debate is heating up concerning how many Syrians should be accepted into American cities and towns. This is a pivotal time of year for refugee lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill.
Each year between Sept. 18 and Sept. 30 the White House sends a letter to Congress outlining the federal ceiling for refugees that will be allowed into the country over the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1. The current 70,000 ceiling may be jacked up considerably to accommodate the Syrian refugees and now the migrant crisis in Europe.
While the nine resettlement agencies are lobbying for more refugees, there is a nascent effort in Congress to halt all refugee resettlement until the program can be fully audited and its impact on U.S. communities can be tabulated. Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, sponsored the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act, or H.R. 3314, on July 30 and is actively seeking co-sponsors from his colleagues in the GOP-dominated House.
Others, such as Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, have warned that the Syrian refugee program has the potential to become a "jihadist pipeline" into the U.S. for ISIS and other terrorist groups. ISIS operatives have promised they will use the refugee programs to infiltrate the West. In a February article in BuzzFeed, an ISIS operative said the group had already assembled 4,000 trained fighters in Europe by using this method of infiltration.
Yet, 14 Democrat senators in May sent a letter to President Obama urging him to "dramatically increase" the number of Syrian refugees allowed into the U.S. Several of the nine resettlement agencies cited this letter in their lobbying efforts with the administration.
None of the Democrat senators, nor any of the resettlement agencies has mentioned in their lobbying memos and talking points that Christians are the most threatened group of people in Syria and Iraq or that Christians should be given any kind of priority in the refugee program.
Mideast Christians left out in the cold
Most Christians in Syria and Iraq are afraid to even go to the U.N. refugee camps, fearing they will not be treated with respect by the many Muslims who have been placed in positions of authority at the camps, WND has previously reported. As a result, those who have been run out of their homes by ISIS and other jihadist groups end up fleeing to another town and hiding in churches or homes of other Christians. At some point, WND has been told, the Christians will run out of places to hide.
Those who are caught are given the option of converting to Islam, paying a special tax to Islam or execution, often by beheading or crucifixion.
Among the 1,500 Syrians brought to the U.S. so far, 95 percent have been Muslim.
Bolton told Fox News that the European crisis should not result in wholesale resettlements of Middle Eastern refugees in the West.
"It doesn't mean the West, Europe or the U.S., has an obligation to take these people in to resettle them. Our obligation is to provide assistance in Turkey. Standard refugee doctrine is that repatriation is the preferred response and resettlement only the secondary option," Bolton said. "But what Germany has done is change the equation, and by saying they're willing to take 800,000 people in even if it's on a humanitarian visa for five years, those people are never leaving. This has caused enormous turmoil in Europe," he continued. "In Hungary and Austria the people are saying 'we never agreed to this.' They're not all going to make it to Germany, and they're not all going to stay in Germany. And I think ultimately it could be more than 800,000 on the move, and I think they will try to come here (to the U.S.) as well, This is where the threat of ISIS or other terrorist groups taking the opportunity of this human tragedy to infiltrate their own (terrorists) into the United States comes into play."
At the same time the U.N. and its affiliated NGOs have been clamoring for more refugee resettlement of Muslim refugees into the U.S. and Europe, residents of the cities and towns where refugees are being sent are starting to organize against the influx of refugees from the Third World, arguing that it's too expensive to house and educate all of the low-skilled new arrivals, which also take jobs away from unemployed Americans.
Uprisings have been gaining traction in St. Cloud, Minnesota; Spartanburg, South Carolina, Fargo, North Dakota, and Twin Falls, Idaho.
Also, a new national petition drive has been started by the Center for Security Policy.
Should Obama bring tens of thousands of Muslims to U.S.?
The European crisis has also led to calls for the U.S. to expedite its refugee program and making it easier for immigrants to navigate the time-consuming process. The U.S. has in the past expedited resettlement, as in 1975 when it helped tens of thousands of refugees from South Vietnam and other nearby areas settle in the United States after the fall of Saigon to the communists. President Reagan also made it easier for thousands of Christians and Jews escaping communist Russia to come to the U.S.
But unlike those Christians and Jews, Corcoran maintains that today's refugees do not share the religious and cultural values of America and will face formidable barriers to assimilation.
Alveda King, a civil rights leader, pro-life activist and niece to the late Dr. Martin Luther King, agreed that the U.S. should not open its doors wholesale to refugees from Shariah-compliant communities in any case and even large numbers of non-Muslims would be difficult to integrate in today's difficult economic climate.
"We cannot open up our arms and doors yet until we are strong," King told WND. "Coretta Scott-King was a liberal and even she did not support open borders. I learned that from her. Even though we were polar opposites, we agreed on that."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/obama-poised-to-take-some-of-europes-muslims/#BrIaWYicAh3W9i3w.99My comments: Islam is an Evil Religion based on the Koran that Incites Violence against Everyone, including its own. Every Muslim is a potential Terrorist. They crate Havoc wherever the go and Europe is a prime example. Why are they fleeing? They are fleeing other Muslims who Hate them. HATRED is Inherent to Islam, and it has been this way from its beginning. They Flee to the West, yet they Hate the Western Infidels. It would be INSANITY for America to allow them to come the America.
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