Do You Recognize These Tell-Tale Signs of a Worldwide Financial Crisis?
International stock markets wobble to a new low while prophecy experts align the economic signs with biblical foretelling.
"We're not just headed for a financial crisis," Michael Snyder says. Snyder is the author of the Economic Collapse blog. "We're headed for the greatest financial crisis that America has ever seen, that the world has ever seen."
Indeed, CNBC reports global stock markets hover near the worst quarter the world has seen in years.
The drop will lead to a financial reverberation so great that "America is going to be shaken to its core," Snyder says.
America remains glued together by the grace of God, Snyder says. The clues are in these signs of a worldwide collapse. Watch the video to see more.
My comments: This has been signaled by the Four Blood Moons. It is the result of the Nations of the World Pursuing their godless, Socialist Utopias. This will be the Set-Up for the Revealing of the Antichrist who will offer a JUBILEE, the forgiving of all DEBT. The Price: Receiving his "mark" and Eternal Damnation!
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