Frito-Lay working with radical homosexual activist Dan Savage on LGBT campaign
Bob Unruh
GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee is asking Frito-Lay’s board of directors to take a closer look at Dan Savage before partnering with the radical gay-rights activist’s “It Gets Better” organization.
Frito-Lay, the maker of Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos and Ruffles, aligned itself with the virulent Christian-hater who has described the Bible’s contents as “bull—-” and admits he once tried to infect Christians with viruses.
A call also is going out from David Lane of American Renewal Project to pastors to hold prayer services after WND reported Frito-Lay was jumping into the “gay” advocacy movement with a themed Doritos snack in partnership with Savage’s group.
In an email to Frito-Lay management, a copy of which was obtained by WND, Huckabee, who was targeted by Savage’s vitriol several years ago, says, “I hope that you will do some honest vetting about Dan Savage and his very hateful and vulgar comments toward Christians and his calls for violence and injury to people he disagrees with.
“It is beyond me to understand how a responsible corporation would think that partnering with someone who spews the vicious vitriol that Savage does would be worthy of your corporate contributions.”
Huckabee cited one of Savage’s attacks on him.
“Please view the … video. Better yet, play it in one of your corporate board meetings and ask if it represents the values and views of Frito-Lay. If not, you should apologize, sever ties with hate groups like Savage’s, and explain how you were unaware of his history.
“If it does represent the corporate values of Frito-Lay, then the Christian community needs to be made aware that Frito-Lay has decided to not seek their business.”
He warned the company: “Be advised that the link is a very explicit and crude rant by Mr. Savage and contains profanity and intense vulgarity. It’s important that you listen to find out exactly the kind of individual you are associating with.”
See the video (WARNING: The following video of Dan Savage is filled with obscene, lewd and highly offensive language.):
Frito-Lay, whose leadership is listed online, is a subsidiary of PepisCo Inc.
PepsiCo's board members are Shona Brown, a senior adviser to Google; George Buckley, retired CEO of 3M; Ian Cook, president of Colgate-Palmolive; Dina Dublon, former vice president of JP Morgan Chase; Rona Fairhead of BBC Trust; Richard Fisher, formerly of the Dallas Federal Reserve; Alberto Ibarguen of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; William Johnson of Advent International; David Page of Whitehead Institute; Robert Pohlad of Dakota Holdings; Lloyd Trotter of GenNx360; Daniel Vasella, formerly of Novartis; and Alberto Weisser, formerly of Bunge Limited.
The corporation's brands include Pepsi, Tropicana, Gatorade, Quaker, Lipton and Aquafina.
A media contact declined to respond to a WND request for comment.
WND's report noted Frito-Lay was joining forces with the homosexuality-promoting group called "It Gets Better."
At the time, Ram Krishnan, Frito-Lay's chief marketing officer, said: "Time and again, our consumers have shown us, there really is nothing bolder than being true to yourself and living life to the fullest. With Doritos Rainbows chips, we're bringing an entirely new product experience to our consumers to show our commitment toward equal rights for the LGBT community and celebrate humanity without exception."
But Lane, among others, pointed out to Frito-Lay the activities of Savage. WND cited some in June when ABC was urged to cancel plans for a television show loosely based on Savage's life.
See "The Big List of 'gayest' companies in America," where support for homosexual, bisexual and transgender causes is a priority.
At the time, Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation said, "Gay activist Dan Savage embodies the mainstream 'gay rights' movement, decrying 'discrimination' while spewing some of the most hateful and obscene venom. Hollywood likes to pretend it battles against 'hate' when, in reality, it regularly churns out race-baiting, anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-Life propaganda every day."
Dan Savage
Tony Perkins, president of FRC, asked: "What does an X-rated gay sex columnist have in common with Walt Disney? Nothing. And that's exactly the problem."
"Most Americans have probably never heard of Dan Savage, but unfortunately, that's all about to change this fall," he said. "Despite massive outcry – thousands of phone calls, emails and petition signers – Disney's ABC is taking its LGBT activism to new lows with plans to bring the controversial Christian-basher to life in a sitcom called 'The Real O'Neals.'"
Media reports on the show were missing any mention of Savage's many episodes of vulgar and bizarre attacks on Christians and others of opposing views, such as presidential candidates Gary Bauer, Sen. Rick Santorum and Gov. Sarah Palin.
Savage infamously has admitted that while suffering from the flu, he volunteered for Bauer's 2000 campaign, licked doorknobs and other objects at a campaign office, and handed Bauer a saliva-coated pen with the intent of passing on the virus to the candidate and his supporters.
When Santorum made a reference to bestiality in a discussion of homosexuality, Savage formed the website "Santorum.com" to create a "Google bomb" to smear the senator, using his name as the definition of a byproduct of anal sex. And he sent a tweet expressing his wish that Palin be stricken with cancer.
In a 2000 column, "Stalking Gary Bauer," Savage wrote of his fury over Bauer’s stance on homosexuality and described his own "malicious" – "even a little mean-spirited" plan – to volunteer at Bauer’s Iowa campaign headquarters and infect him and his co-workers.
When Bauer staff members were away from the office, wrote Savage, he started "licking doorknobs."
"The front door, office doors, even a bathroom door. When that was done, I started in on the staplers, phones and computer keyboards. Then I stood in the kitchen and licked the rims of all the clean coffee cups drying in the rack," in case his pen plan didn't work.
"Savage, one of the cruelest, most vile political activists in America, has spared no one with whom he disagrees from his vitriolic hate speech," said Monica Cole, director of One Million Moms. "Despite Savage's extremism, vulgarity and unabashed encouragement of dangerous sexual practices, Disney ABC is planning to feature a man who has done nothing but bash Christians and bash the Bible."
"Dan Savage's brand of hate does not merit a platform on a supposedly pro-family network," said MRC President Brent Bozell at the time. "Disney ABC's silence is not going unnoticed by faith and family advocates.
WND previously reported Savage told the Daily Pennsylvanian in 2006 that Carl Romanelli, a U.S. Senate candidate he didn’t like, "should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there's nothing left but the rope." In the same interview, he said Romanelli "should go f--k himself."
Savage also said on HBO that he "wished all Republicans were f---ing dead."
In 2012, as WND reported, Savage told a group of high-school journalism students, “We can learn to ignore the bull---- in the Bible about gay people,” then taunted the teens who stood and walked out of the room as he ranted.
"It's funny to someone who is on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible how pansya--ed people react when you push back," he said.
Some of the girls left in tears.
Lane confirmed that Frito-Lay claimed it was not connected to Savage, only to his "It Gets Better" campaign.
"I asked [a Frito-Lay spokesman] if he had watched the three-minute anti-Christian rant and bullying of high-school kids from Dan Savage – [the spokesman] wouldn't answer," he said.
"For me and my house, we've purchased our last Frito-Lay product."
Frito-Lay declined to provide a comment to WND on the issue.
Lane said in comments prepared for release in a few days the American Renewal Project maintains contact with 100,000 evangelical pastors.
"We are asking each of the 100K American Renewal Project pastors to hold weekly prayer services – led by the senior pastor – asking God for mercy for what we have allowed to a once-Christian nation.
"As we begin to re-establish prayer in America, Christ's disciples may expect an increase in wickedness as we prepare to return our nation to a biblical-based culture. Men and women of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) must pick up the shield of faith, for nothing else can quench Satan's fiery darts. Thankfully we have an advocate," he wrote.
He noted, "Dan Savage has a spiritual problem, and like me, he needs Christ."
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/huckabee-to-doritos-meet-your-sick-new-partner/#m4Xk6yuAKWC2DiuH.99My comments: Sodom and Gomorrah did not get there in A Day. We are watching the "Sodomization" of America. How long will it take before the "gays" are stalking the streets looking for those they can "rape?" I suspect it will not be long. Who is behind this "Sodomization" of America? The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist RELIGION--Obama and the Democrats--And now Major US Corporations--ALL Those Against God and His Word.
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