'Under what law am I authorized to issue homosexual couples a marriage license?'
Cheryl Chumley
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who’s been hovering around the middle of the poll pack in his bid for the White House, jumped directly into the jailing of Kim Davis – the Kentucky clerk who refused to grant same-sex marriage licenses and is now behind bars – and said Americans need to wake up to the “criminalization of Christianity” that’s coursing through the country.
On Friday on Fox & Friends, he told host Martha MacCallum he was holding a rally in Kentucky on Tuesday in support of Davis, warning the “implications of [her case] are extremely far-reaching,” especially since she’s being held “without bail” in jail.
“This is an unbelievable moment in American history,” he said, “because who’s next?”
The Davis case has been a particular hot spot for Huckabee, who sits at about 4 percent in recent polls, just about in the middle of the field of 17.
In a tweet a day ago, he wrote: “Kim Davis in federal custody removes all doubts about the criminalization of Christianity in this country. We must defend #ReligiousLiberty!”
In several other Twitter messages, he said similarly.
He wrote: “We must defend #ReligiousLiberty & never surrender to judicial tyranny! #ImWithKim #KimDavis.”
And in another: “Exercising #ReligiousLiberty should never be a crime in America.”
The Internet address goes directly to Huckabee’s campaign site.
Huckabee also posted a meme with this text over a black and white picture of Hillary Clinton: “What a world, where Hillary Clinton isn’t in jail but Kim Davis is!”
A “Free Kim Davis: Sign the petition” link was making waves on his Twitter page too, with more than 350 retweets and more than 400 favorites by Friday morning.
In a statement issued shortly after Davis was ordered to jail, Huckabee said: “Kim is asking the perfect question, ‘Under what law am I authorized to issue homosexual couples a marriage license?’ That simple question is giving many in Congress a civics lesson that they never got in grade school.” He was referencing to the view the Supreme Court cannot make a law, an argument he’s been making in recent months, Talking Points Memo reported.
Huckabee also doubled down on his support for Davis.
“I stand with Kim Davis and every American of faith under attack by Washington elites who have nothing but disdain for us, our faith and the Constitution,” he said, in his statement. “Kim is a person of great conviction. When people of conviction fight for what’s right, they often pay a price, but if they don’t surrender, we will pay a far greater price for bowing to the false God of judicial supremacy.”
And one more point: “Government is not God. No man, and certainly no unelected law, has the right to redefine the laws of nature or of nature’s God,” he said.
Huckabee’s remarks were underscored by the hacking of a website his election page linked to, “Free Kim Davis”, which for a short time span on Friday actually brought people to the donation page of the pro-”gay” Human Rights Campaign, where it’s touted “100 percent of every purchase goes to HRC’s fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality.” The hack was quickly discovered and fixed.
Read more at comments: As I have said repeatedly, Obama, the Democrats and SCOTUS have Established THE RELIGION OF STATE: Godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism, and they are FORCING by Law, Christians to CONFORM to it. They are Against God and His Word;
they are Emissaries of Satan and will be the ones who worship the Beast of Revelation and receive his "mark." (Revelation 13) In fact what they are doing is being done in Preparation for the revealing of the Beast. Most people will Conform to their godlessness, condemning themselves to an Eternal Hell.
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