A Goal Worth Pursuing
Jennifer Woodley
“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 (NRSV)
We all have or have had earthly goals.
Good goals that have been worth pursuing at the time. But once attained, they tend to fade and be forgotten. In comparison to the spiritual goal of becoming like Christ, they pale into insignificance and are only ever temporal.
The spiritual goal of seeking to be like Christ takes all our effort and has an eternal reward: an incorruptible crown (1 Peter 5:4).
So we must choose to be temperate in all things in this life in order to win that prize.
We must run in order to win.
Everything attractive is set aside that may hinder us from reaching our goal.
We must passionately pursue our goal to know and become like Jesus with an undivided heart.
Earthly goals may have their place, but like Paul, we must not allow other goals to overshadow the heavenly call to pursue Jesus Christ and seek to imitate Him in both His life and death.
There is no greater goal and privilege for God’s people than to embrace the spirit of the cross:
to live for the will and pleasure of God, despite the cost and finish the work of seeking and living for Christ as He assigned for each of us.
And so we seek to die daily to ourselves and the cravings of the self, so that the life of Jesus may become more and more evident.
Let this mind be found in us, so that we might press forwards toward the goal of living for Christ and claiming our incorruptible crown.
Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Jesus. Contact
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