Dear Friend,
As I wrote to you last week, the Biden administration and their liberal media allies are actively pushing transgenderism on our families -- especially children.
They simply ignore the dangers of using powerful hormones on pubescent children, which is against the hormones' stated purpose.
They ignore the side effects of such drugs, which include heart disease and permanent sterility, along with unknown long-term side effects... ... meaning they are knowingly experimenting on our children!
They ignore scientific studies showing that up to 88 percent of young females and 97.8 percent of young males who describe themselves as transgender will embrace their biological sex in adulthood if they do not pursue radical gender transition interventions.
And, tragically, they ignore the growing phenomenon of "sex change regret" among individuals who have undergone permanently disfiguring treatments.
Meanwhile, thousands of vulnerable children fall prey to this destructive ideology every year, are convinced to have their bodies mutilated before they are adults, and are often left with little recourse when they finally come to regret being deceived and disfigured for life.
Many politicians have bought into gender ideology and fully support the transgender experiment on our children out of fear of the often-vicious activists within the LGBTQ ranks.
But the politicians are not alone as too many pro-family conservatives lack the courage to stand up for the health and safety of America's youth.
And as I've already shared, the medical establishment will not side with us against this billion-dollar industry.
It's up to YOU and me to STOP this growing national horror of child abuse!
We must get these politicians on the record for or against the health and safety of America's children. We must demand an answer from every state candidate before the next elections on whether they support or oppose legislation like the SAFE Act.
I hope and pray that you will help us do just that with a generous gift today.
It will enable us to make this a key issue, much like the right to life has become for conservatives -- because it is quickly becoming every bit as important.
The transgender experiment on our nation's children is heartbreaking. It's destroying thousands of young lives every year. And it's only going to get worse if left unchecked.
As in the fight for the right to life, the only hope we have of saving millions of young lives from destruction at the hands of a predatory -- and massively profitable -- industry is to outlaw the practice for minors nationwide.
The SAFE Act was written to do exactly that. It's a simple, commonsense bill that will protect our children. Every pro-family conservative should be proud to support it.
That's why we must get state candidates for office in 2022 on the record on this critically important bill. And with your help, that's exactly what we will do!
FRC Action has been your Christian voice in Washington for nearly 30 years. It's time to put that experience to work for some of America's most vulnerable children.
Together, we can get these politicians on the record. We can drive the narrative. We can pass this bill, outlaw this barbaric practice, and save thousands of children from the mutilation of their bodies at the hands of the radical Left.
Please join us in this critically important battle today by giving as you feel led on behalf of our children.
Thank you, and God bless you. Standing (Eph. 6:13),
 Tony Perkins President FRC Action FRC Action is a tax-exempt corporation under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Financial contributions to FRC Action are not tax-deductible.
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