KENDRICK BROTHERS’ SHOW ME THE FATHER is the first documentary from our good friends the Kendrick Brothers, the creators of WAR ROOM, FIREPROOF, FACING THE GIANTS, and OVERCOMER. KENDRICK BROTHERS’ SHOW ME THE FATHER weaves four real-life fathering stories, providing an inspiring, hope-filled reminder of the importance of fathers in families and society. One of the stories told in KENDRICK BROTHERS’ SHOW ME THE FATHER shares the previously untold faith aspect of the incredible true story of football coaches Sherman Smith and Deland McCullough that was previously told by ESPN. The powerful role of a coach as a father figure is only the beginning of their story. Dr. Tony Evans, Jim Daly (the president of Focus on the Family), and the Kendrick brothers (Alex, Stephen, and Shannon) are among those whose hope-filled stories are highlighted in KENDRICK BROTHERS’ SHOW ME THE FATHER. Coming from Sony Pictures’ AFFIRM Films, KENDRICK BROTHERS’ SHOW ME THE FATHER opens in a theater near you on September 10th. No matter our life experiences, we all have the same promise from our PERFECT HEAVENLY FATHER, who is the Lord Almighty … “I will be a FATHER to YOU, and YOU shall be sons and daughters to ME.” Whether we’ve had a ‘good’ father, an absentee father, a ‘bad’ father, a strict father, a substitute father, or no father at all … GOD IS OUR HEAVENLY FATHER! His love is COMPLETE, UNCONDITIONAL, and NEVER FAILS. Let’s take this truth to heart - and to our communities! Check out their website at https://www.showmethefathermovie.com. Then, forward this email to your contact list and commit to pray regularly for the impact of this film in a culture that desperately needs the freedom and healing that this truth will bring! 
United In Love
Are you looking for ways to fulfill love through action? United in Love is an initiative of the National Day of Prayer Task Force that builds bridges back to the Gospel and the heart of Jesus in our nation resulting in godly unity and love for one another. Check out our website at https://www.unitedinlove.org/) to learn more about being activated to live a prayer-care-share lifestyle and find ministry efforts to join the work of caring for others and sharing the Gospel! You can also sign up for the United in Love newsletter to stay up to date on new opportunities, prayer needs and hear about the ways God is at work. Unite in love with us!

About the National Day of Prayer The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May. To learn more, or to find a National Day of Prayer event in your community, visit www.NationalDayofPrayer.org. To schedule a media interview, send your request to media@nationaldayofprayer.org, or contact Dion Elmore, Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations at The National Day of Prayer Task Force, (719) 559-9574. National Day of Prayer Task Force http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org/ |
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