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Walking With Jesus 24/7
“…And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen,” Matthew 28:20 (KJV)
Did you ever feel Jesus, walking alongside you during your travels, whether at home, near, or far?
I quite often dedicate the day to the LORD, in all my tasks, and various accomplishments.
No matter how big or small, it’s all to Him, and because of Him, that I’m able to undertake any situation. Amen!
I know most Christians are familiar with the saying, “What would Jesus do?”
Which has become synonymous with one of deep faith.
What we say, He hears (Creator of the Universe)
What we do, He sees (The Great I Am)
What we think, He knows (Omnipotent God)
What we forget, He remembers (Guides us)
What we remember, He forgets (Forgives us)
So, Jesus is with us all the days of our life. Morning through the evening, into the dark hours of the night.
He is by our side.
Never wavering in His grace, love or protection.
Next time, if something is in need of attention, try to think before acting upon it.
Hold off on what is said, before saying it.
And most important, remember God forgives us. Because Jesus died for us, resurrected and redeemed us.
His blood is the atonement for our sins, and He has forgiven us.
It is done.
So, ease up on any guilt trips that you might be on. He loves unconditionally, and forgives always.
Think about His love, and His company, throughout the day, and give it all to Him, and His glory, now and forever, Amen!
“Father, LORD, thank You, for Your umbrella of protection, this day, tomorrow, and all the days of my life, may I always be aware of Your defining and unparalleled Sovereignty, and do all things unto and in honor of You, while proclaiming Your boundless, and endless glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
CD – Writes for His glory. Her two newest books, “Witness of Our Father’s Love & Hearts of Love” are now available worldwide. Contact
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