I Virginia Vaughn hereby declare:
I want to say something about the spirituality debate.
You don't believe in God?!? Fine.
Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do?!?
If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die?!? Nothing
How does OUR believing in Jesus bring you any harm?!?

You think it makes me stupid?!?Gullible?!? Fine.
How does that affect you?!?
If you're wrong, your consequence is far worse!!!
I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong

Then it's too late.
There's no shame in my game

I believe in Jesus Christ.
He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father God almighty


Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master.

Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher.
Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer.
He had no army, yet kings feared Him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world

He committed no crime, yet they crucified

He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
His name is Jesus

If you're not ashamed of Him, copy this to your page!!!
Jesus INTENTIONALLY and WILLINGLY came here to earth and lived amongst us as
%Man and paid the ultimate sacrifice of dying for our sins by allowing himself to be crucified
so that we would have the chance opportunity and choice to be redeemed

That’s Pure LOVE in the PUREST of forms

Enough Said!!! Praise Jesus Christ 

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