Baroness Cox says 800 years of fairness threatened
Bub Unruh
For years already, the advance of Islamic law in the United Kingdom has created issues. The Sunday Times explained how U.K. Shariah courts “ignore marital rape.” In the House of Lords, Islamic law was called “discriminatory.”
The government acknowledged last year that women suffer under the practice. And then there are the “no-go” zones.
Across America, some similar disputes have begun developing, including a mass exodus of Catholics from Hamtramck, Michigan, after Muslims began broadcasting their calls to prayer over loudspeakers.
But now the problem is worse. Much worse, according to Baroness Cox, a cross-bench member of the British House of Lords and the founder and CEO of the non-profit Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust.
It’s undermining the 800 years of freedom that have existed since the signing of the Magna Carta, she told the BBC’s “Daily Politics” show.
See her comments:
Cox, who has introduced a bill in Parliament to restrain Shariah councils in England and Wales, said, “In Britain for 800 years since the signing of the Magna Carta we’ve had a fundamental commitment to the principle of one law for all and equality of access to that law and that is now being undermined.
“I believe passionately in the freedom of religion and belief. But in Britain there is now a system of Shariah councils or courts, which inherently discriminate against women and girls, and causing a great deal of suffering.”
She cited the Islamic provision for men to divorce their wives by saying, “I divorce you” three times.
And women often have to “pay or fulfill other conditions that may be very difficult,” she said.
Women also are subjected to polygamy, she noted.
“Shariah law allows polygamy. A man can have up to four wives. And one of my Muslim friends who’s doing research into the plight of Muslim women in West Midlands told me how women sometimes marry into polygamous marriages without even realizing there already was another wife.”
She said returning to the concept of “one law for all” is needed now more than ever.
“We must not get caught in a labyrinth of inaction because we’re afraid of upsetting cultural sensitivities or political correctness,” she said.
Last October the British government, plagued with “no-go” zones that effectively are off-limits to non-Muslims, planned to investigate the Islamic religious and cultural rules.
The goal is to act on any evidence that Islamic law is being applied “outside of the law.”
The Christian Institute said the Home Office planned for the probe to be “part of the government’s counter-extremism strategy.”
“In a written parliamentary answer, Lord Bates said that the government will set up a ‘full, independent investigation to assess to what extent Shariah is being applied in a manner that is unacceptable,'” the organization explained.
He was responding on the website for Parliament to the question: “To ask Her Majesty’s government when the undertaking by the Home Secretary, made in a speech on 23 March, to set up an independent investigation into the application of Shariah law in Britain will be fulfilled; and what the investigation is expected to report.”
The response, from Lord Bates, was: “Shariah councils may be working in a discriminatory and unacceptable way. That is why, as part of the forthcoming Counter-Extremism Strategy, government will commission a full, independent investigation to assess to what extent Shariah is being applied in a manner that is unacceptable. The review will commence following the appointment of an independent chair. The terms of reference for the review and its duration will be determined at that point. We will act on any evidence of its application which is outside of the law.”
The institute noted that the Equal and Free website had been set up to collect stories of inequitable treatment under Shariah.
WND reported the U.K. has more than 100 “Muslim enclaves” that are “de facto off limits to non-Muslims due to a number of factors, including the lawlessness, insecurity or religious intimidation that often pervades these areas.”
“An erroneous claim on American television that Birmingham, England, is ‘totally Muslim’ and off-limits to non-Muslims has ignited a politically charged debate about the existence of no-go zones in Britain and other European countries,” wrote Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute in a report at the time about Muslim “no-go” zones.
Kern said that in some no-go zones, “host-country authorities are unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim gangs that sometimes claim control over such areas.”
And they are “breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism.”
“The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue – often by deliberately mischaracterizing the term ‘no-go zone,'” he said.
Under Shariah practices in the U.K., two male judges can interrogate a woman alone in a room about her “sexual activities.” And another judge can “laugh” at a woman who complained her husband was physically abusing her.
Matchteld Zee of Leiden University in the Netherlands issued the report after obtaining access to the secretive religious courts and listening to two days of hearings at the Islamic Shariah Council in east London and at Birmingham Central Mosque Shariah.
The London Independent reported Zee was able to reveal some of the information she gathered in her review but not all.
The issue also got attention during this year’s presidential election campaign in the United States, when then-GOP candidate Ben Carson warned Muslims who claim to be faithful to the U.S. Constitution and Shariah law are “schizophrenic.”
A guest on the “Breitbart News Daily” radio program on SiriusXM, he was asked whether devout Muslims can credibly claim they are loyal to America’s founding principles.
“Only if they’re schizophrenic,” the retired neurosurgeon replied. “I don’t see how they could do it otherwise, because you have two different philosophies warring at you. … So, no. That would be very difficult. That’s why Teddy Roosevelt said what he said. He said you’re welcome to come here from any place and [practice] any religion as long as you accept our ways and want to be an American. If you don’t, then stay where you are.”
Carson was then asked to comment on former President George W. Bush’s claim after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that “Islam a religion of peace.”
“If you accept all the components of Islam, including Shariah, it is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of domination,” said Carson.
In Hamtramck, Muslim political organizer Ibrahim Algahim was caught on video giving a chilling warning: “Now we show the Polish and everybody else, that,” he said, as cheers drowned out the rest of his words. (See video below.)
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/04/magna-carta-undermined-by-shariah/#yrFs4udrZA8UpLO4.99My comments: Only the Willfully Ignorant fail to appreciate that Islam will Never Assimilate in the West. The Koran Forbids this. For this reason they cause Trouble wherever they go. The beginnings of this Trouble can be seen in America today.
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