Biden warns of a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated.
He was ordered to say that by whomever is actually in charge.
Let me expand on that, before I get to the heart of this blog.
I do not believe Biden is in charge.
Anyone who is watching sees how he reads aloud even the punctuation marks on the teleprompter. He has been caught asking someone if he has, ‘said the right thing.’
And he has apologized, saying, “I better not say anymore.”
The gaffes are too real and too common to be ignored.
This is such a sensitive point to leftists that they will smother any hint from anyone that Biden is cognitively challenged.
This was glaringly demonstrated by the firestorm that erupted from the Left over his latest and most epic gaffe.
A man named Jared called in to the North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) annual holiday Santa tracking program on Friday. Jared wished President Biden and first lady Jill Biden a Merry Christmas.
Then came the exchange that, as I said before, ignited a social media firestorm.
Jared said, “Yeah, I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well.
Merry Christmas and, let’s go Brandon.”
You know, the sanitized version of a vulgar insult.
Shockingly, Biden responded by saying, “Let’s go Brandon, I agree.”
Now Jared is being excoriated by the Left.
They say that he desecrated Christmas, which is odd, since leftists don’t believe in Christmas.
Then they say he insulted the president. Well, yes, he did, and that was wrong.
But wait! Robert De Niro got a standing ovation at the Tony awards for shouting, “F**k Trump.”
So, what is really going on here? Shakespeare would say of the offended Left, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
The Left and Biden’s handlers were rightly outraged.
Something horrendous did happen.
Even though the fix is in and everyone is supposed to go along with the charade, Biden put his true condition on full display.
The puppet show was exposed.
By rudeness yes, but exposed, nonetheless.
Not since Iron Man found out that the Mandarin was just a broken-down actor, has there been something like this.
They want to bury it, burn it, and hope you ignore it.
Okay, here is the point: Here is the leader of the free world and he says, “Let’s go Brandon, I agree.”
There is no way out of the massive mental lapse here.
Either Biden has been so sequestered that he has never heard the phrase.
Or he doesn’t understand what it really means.
Or he simply did not know what he was saying. (Does he think Brandon is a college team?)
Neither option is comforting.
But it explains why I believe that Joe Biden was not legally elected, nor is he actually in charge of the White House.
So, what do I mean by the title of this blog, “The people of God have a new job in America”?
I am saying that we are now called to tell Americans not to fear this administration or its tentacles!
Fear is the weapon of a bureaucratic rogue government that is trying to hold on to power and expand their control over us.
They ordered Biden to scare us.
“Tell them they are in for a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated.”
He delivered a threat that is impossible to confirm.
Now they are telling us that the symptoms of the Omicron variant are similar to the common cold. How convenient.
Now everyone with a cold believes they have the virus. . .
Fear means endless booster shots, masks, and snitches.
Oh yes, the regime behind Biden wants you to tell on your neighbors.
They want you to look the other way as those who have been arrested for January 6th are never charged, but are beaten while in their custody.
Look the other way as those in our military who won’t take the jab are pushed out, leaving only those soldiers who will follow orders without question.
They need you to be afraid.
A cartoon I saw illustrated it perfectly.
It showed someone on the phone and the caption said, “Hello, I’d like to report some people not living in fear.”
Will the church wake up after the Biden administration reinstates the Johnson Amendment?
That would stifle pastors from disseminating any political information from the pulpit.
Will pastors decide to get political when Biden takes away the tax-exempt status from churches and religious organizations?
Because, so far, millions of Christians are sleeping through the biggest power grab in American history.
Churches that should be opposing the fear mongering, are shivering in their religious boots.
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