God is Moving in Middle Tennessee
God showed up at Riverside Church in Clarksville, TN
As I pulled into the church parking lot it was clear this would be a unique evening. Almost two hours before the scheduled start time there was already a line of people waiting. The distant lightning and impending rain didn’t dampen anyone’s spirit.
The anticipation was thick as they weren’t there only for Mario. They were there because they knew Jesus would be there.
And He definitely showed up!
Thirty minutes before the scheduled service time every seat was full. Including the extra chairs added in the aisles and around the platform.
As the worship team led the people they responded to the palpable presence of God in the room. Next, Gary Chapman took the stage and led the people in “This is how I fight my battles” and finally Mario took the stage.

Mario spoke an important message to not look for a repeat of the revival’s of the past. But to look for the new thing that God is about to do. If we try to recreate what has happened before it will be a cheap imitation. Instead we need to lean into what God is doing in this hour.
After the message, God began to move through the crowd. Many miraculous healings took place. God touched so many it would take too long to recount them all. And I’m certain there will be many stories coming telling of all God did and continues to do.
With a room full of people there to see God move it might have been easy to walk away without an altar call. But Mario made that appeal and hands went up all around the room.
At least 30 people came forward for salvation!

it was a truly powerful evening! God is moving in middle Tennessee
I encourage you to pray for Mario Murillo and for the ministry. This is a unique time and the enemy is fighting hard to stop what God is doing.
Thank you Pastor Randy Lopshire and Riverside Church for hosting this great event!
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