America's fateful choice: Restore elections or kill the republic
Nation on the brink of total meltdown

Employees hang U.S. flags in the Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, Nov. 4, 2019, in preparation for Veterans Day. (U.S. Army photo by Elizabeth Fraser)
One year before the 2022 midterm elections, the United States of America, long the freest, most powerful and most successful nation on earth, is on the brink of total meltdown.
Power-obsessed politicians in thrall to a bizarre, quasi-religious ideology, seemingly oblivious to the destruction and suffering they’re causing, daily implement new agendas that crush America’s great middle class, her economy and her most hallowed institutions.
Staging this revolution from behind their shockingly senile puppet president, Joe Biden, they have fomented a full-scale invasion of the U.S. mainland, mandated that tens of millions of citizens be injected with an experimental new drug or lose their jobs, and heedlessly created Third World-style inflation, shortages, poverty, drug addiction and runaway crime. And they’re just getting started.
Ironically, America’s current ruling elites hate the very nation they govern, daily condemning it as irredeemably racist, when in reality it is indisputably the least racist nation in human history.
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Ignoring reality at every turn, they manifest an abiding contempt for biology, the lessons of history, the fundamental laws of economics, the transcendent value of human life, and especially, for God and His laws.
On top of all this, their current figureheads – Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – are unlikable, meanspirited, pathologically dishonest, and in Biden’s case, cognitively disintegrating in real time before the entire world. Harris is so singularly repellant that the Biden administration has essentially kept her hidden since Day 1.
So phantasmagoric has 2021 become, Team Biden appears to be engaged in an “Alice in Wonderland”-type intramural competition to determine who in the administration can be the most deranged: Biden is winning, with his straight-faced claims that his planned multi-trillion-dollar spending orgy “costs zero dollars” and will reduce inflation. But Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is giving him stiff competition with his assertion that many of America’s highways are racist, as is Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently asked NASA if it can possibly “track trees” by race to assure “environmental justice.”
No wonder every recent poll shows voters of both parties are running away, as fast as possible, from Biden and Harris. As USA Today reported in early November, “The approval ratings for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have reached dismal new lows, according to a stunning, just-released poll. In a survey published Sunday by USA Today, the president’s approval rating stands at just 38 percent. … USA Today found that just 28 percent of those surveyed approve of Kamala Harris at the moment.”
Thus, for the ascendent Democratic Party, every bit as addicted to power as a drug addict is to heroin or fentanyl, the only question is: How can Democrats possibly retain their power in light of the growing awareness among the American electorate that their current leaders and policies are basically insane? How, they ask themselves, can they not only avoid losing control of the U.S. Congress in the November 2022 election and the presidency in 2024, but also continue to elect and re-elect Democrats as governors, state legislators, secretaries of state, mayors, Soros-funded district attorneys and other vital “down-ballot” positions?
In light of voters’ ever-plummeting approval of them, there’s only one conceivable solution for Democrats.
Rigging elections. Voter fraud. Changing the rules. Big tech censorship. Shooting down voter ID laws. Shutting out election observers. Eliminating signature verification for mail-in ballots. “Ballot harvesting.” Basically, exploiting every imaginable opportunity to enable, abet, promote, excuse and encourage election-related fraud and abuse in its myriad and ever-expanding forms, all the while vehemently denying it even when caught red-handed – just as in 2020. And, of course, simultaneously accusing everyone demanding fair elections of being white supremacists and terrorists intent on “voter suppression” and implementing “Jim Crow 2.0.”
That is why election integrity is, without question, the most important issue in America today. It is literally the singular key to whether the greatest nation on earth lives – or dies.
And that is why the November 2021 issue of WND’s acclaimed Whistleblower magazine – titled “AMERICA’S FATEFUL CHOICE: RESTORE ELECTIONS OR KILL THE REPUBLIC” – is entirely focused on how, specifically, America can and must assure that the elections in 2022, 2024 and beyond are fair, honest, transparent and trustworthy. For if they are, the deranged and destructive Marxist revolution in America is over.
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich recently said an electoral “tsunami” is coming next year.
Maybe so. But only if the elections are fair.
* “Restoring election integrity: The one and only way to save America from tyranny and destruction” by David Kupelian
* “Newt Gingrich: It's Democrats, not election-integrity laws, that constitute the biggest domestic threat to America since the Civil War” by Art Moore
* “Shock poll: The vast majority of American voters – including black voters – insist on strong election integrity laws”
* “America’s top 20 election integrity superstars: Fearless champions fight to restore security, transparency and faith in the U.S. voting process” by Chelsea Haggard
* “The most popular election reform proposals in the U.S.” by Chelsea Haggard
* “Florida’s DeSantis creates a new police force to crack down on election crimes”
* “Most Americans blame Big Tech for gross interference in the 2020 election: Censorship of Biden corruption scandals during final days effectively determined outcome of race” by Bob Unruh
* “Michigan gets sued for leaving tens of thousands of dead people on voter rolls: Hundreds registered to vote after they died” by Bob Unruh
* “How did so many cognitively disabled nursing home residents manage to vote last November? Wisconsin sheriff explains: ‘Election statute was in fact not just broken, but shattered’”
* “Research shows 2020 election 'bought by Mark Zuckerberg': Astronomical sums of money given to city and county officials 'significantly increased Joe Biden's vote'” by Bob Unruh
* “The Zuckerberg election heist: Exposing the 'nonprofit' group billionaires use to influence the vote” by Michelle Malkin
* “Congressman predicts 'bloodshed' if elections 'continue to be rigged': 'It's going to lead to one place'” by Joe Kovacs
* “‘Our Broken Elections’: Who broke them and why, and how to fix them” by Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund
* “The left is evil – and liberals keep voting for them: How a relatively very small group of people is able to control and ruin so much” by Dennis Prager
* “11 marching orders for the GOP that will spell victory next year” by Laura Hollis
* “My idea for Trump to replace Pelosi in 2023 is taking shape: An unusual but promising strategy ... assuming the midterm elections are honest” by Joseph Farah
“As evidenced by the extraordinary outcome of the recent elections in Virginia,” notes bestselling author and Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “today’s radicalized Democrats are now recognized by a majority of voters to be so dangerous to the republic that there is no way they can stay in power without cheating. If they remain in power, America will rapidly become even more unrecognizable, a nightmarish shadow of the magnificent, powerful and liberty-loving nation it once was.
“But here’s the good news,” adds Kupelian. “If America can manage to assure that elections are truly fair going forward, the maniacal Marxist revolutionaries will have to go away and the nation can then return to sanity and healing. Accomplishing that is what this important issue of Whistleblower is all about.”
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