If the sky is filled with dark clouds, you don’t have to be a meteorologist to predict that it will rain.
Often, I can figure out what the day is going to look like by just looking out the window.
(And by the way, bald men are always the first to know when it’s raining.)
It’s the same way with the signs of the times.
We can look at events taking place in our world today and essentially see signs that are telling us the return of Christ is near.
In fact, many Americans are wondering whether the coronavirus is a sign of the end times.
I think it’s a wake-up call.
My friend and Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock wrote in his book Corona Crisis, “prophetically significant events we see today, such as COVID-19, are not fulfillments of specific prophecies but are setting the stage for events that will begin to unfold after the rapture.”
We know the Bible tells us there’s a world leader known as the Antichrist that will come on the scene. He’ll initially be a man of peace with global solutions and economic solutions, but then he’ll require that no one can buy or sell without the special mark that he will give them.
I think we’re seeing things that will ultimately lead to that moment, but I don't think it’s happening quite yet.
I do believe, however, that we’re getting close.
Therefore, we have two choices at a moment like this in history: We can look up, or we can freak out. Jesus said,
“Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28 NKJV).
We shouldn’t be looking for the Antichrist; we should be looking for Jesus Christ.
That’s where our focus should be right now.
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