'Progressive' church claims: Parts of the Bible are wrong because it isn't the 'Word of God'
A Tennessee “church" which calls itself “progressive” told members of its congregation that the Holy Bible is not “infallible,” nor even “the Word of God,” during a recent service and then it repeated those lies on social media.
The Christian Post reported that Nashville’s GracePointe Church and its pastor Josh Scott used a Feb. 7 virtual service to go after the Bible.
The service preceded a Facebook post which claimed, among other things, the Bible is merely a “human response to God.”
“As Progressive Christians, we're open to the tensions and inconsistencies in the Bible.
We know that it can't live up to impossible, modern standards.
We strive to more clearly articulate what Scripture is and isn't," GracePointe wrote online.
The Facebook post then claimed the Bible is not "the Word of God,” not “self-interpreting,” not “a science book,” not an “answer/rule book" and not "inerrant or infallible."
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The Bible, according to these heretics, is "a product of community," a “library of texts,” “multi-vocal,” and “a human response to God” while also been “living and dynamic.”
Scott, who looks like he wears two masks while driving alone, explained his stance on the Bible to the Christian Post after his church received backlash online.
“You know, my intent really was, this is a conversation that we’re having in our community.
So yeah, I do think it’s a good conversation and I think it’s a conversation that needs to happen within that sort of the broader Christian culture,” he told the outlet.
“I think we definitely have a tendency to treat the Bible almost as an idol.
And in doing so, we fail, I think, to see the real call, which is never for us just to read something but always for us to read it, wrestle with it and then embody the rest of it the way we live our lives in the world.”
On why the word of God can’t live up to the expectations of the modern world, Scott added: “That’s our fault.
I’m not saying the Bible has some sort of flaw in it.”
“I think one of the greatest challenges that happens with the Bible is we bring expectations to it that it just isn’t intended to bear and can’t bear.
Because if we go to the Bible and we’re looking for really up to date information on how the cosmos works, we’re not going to find it because I don’t think the Bible is a book trying to tell how things change,” he opined.
GracePoint’s entire Feb. 7 service is on Youtube.
An attempt to watch some portions of the hour-long service was almost foiled when one of the first images shared by this “church” was of a bearded grown man wearing a T-shirt that said, “Protect Trans Kids.”
It’s not that I wish ill on "trans kids," as no such concept exists.
I wish such kids clarity, peace and salvation, in fact.
All kids should feel safe and be protected.
They’re kids.
They certainly shouldn't be led astray by wayward adults, just as nobody should be led astray by these people.
These "Christians" apparently feel compelled to justify their sins to themselves and the Bible to a world that is inherently unholy and irredeemable, rather than apply the power in its pages to strive to be better.
Christians, of course, can’t pick and choose what they want the Bible to be so that it serves their world view.
Facts: Life isn't a popularity contest.
Christ will never be a hit with secular society.
Church isn't a place where one goes to engage in hedonist woke culture.
Boys are boys and girls are girls.
The Holy Bible is the Word of God.
Denying its teachings is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
Any person who has truly experienced grace after reading scripture with a truly open heart and has accepted Christ knows the Bible is absolutely both an answer and a rule book.
Apparently these people have discovered something else while reading it.
It's natural that its answers would be inconvenient for people who place value in sin and virtue signaling above virtue.
But the Bible, contrary to what those at GracePointe would have people believe, is the word of God.
It’s divine gift which offers daily bread for those truly seeking salvation and peace.
Hopefully Scott and his congregation find their way back to truth and light.
Right now, they're intentionally leading themselves and others down a path of darkness.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
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