Globalists vs. Americans: The stakes are higher than ever
Exclusive: Michael Master paints bleak economic picture should Trump not be reelected
According to a recent poll, 88% of Americans feel that our county is in crisis. Some fear a health crisis from COVID-19. Some fear a crisis of racial tension, crime and police misconduct. And some fear an economic crisis that could destroy the financial security for millions of Americans.
Americans are scared – and the media are feeding that fear.
They are skewing the news to scare Americans into voting against President Trump.
So much is being covered about the virus and race that Americans are ignoring the real dragon on the horizon: a poor economy.
Prior to Trump, everyone in the world was ripping off us Americans. China took our manufacturing and stole our intellectual property.
Illegal immigrants drove down the wages of average working Americans. OPEC, Venezuela and Russia ripped us off over oil.
Iran, the World Trade Organization, NATO, the U.N. – they all ripped us off.
And the prior administrations let them.
It all evolved from the Bretton Woods Agreement after World War II and the power of deep state bureaucrats.
In the 1950s, U.S. bureaucrats convinced our elected leaders that an interdependent world would lead to a more peaceful world.
From that theory, the Bretton Woods policy of allowing foreign countries to take advantage of the American market, innovations and partnerships became the policy of choice.
The United States allowed it willingly as the "Christian" way to bring peace to the world.
But it all failed.
Germany, Japan, China, Russia, OPEC – all took advantage of that policy without any additional security for Americans.
The Obama Iran deal was in keeping with that policy – billions of dollars to Iran with no return.
We sacrificed our ability to be self-sufficient and independent.
We sacrificed Americans' jobs for the false security of an interdependent world.
Is Russia any less hostile?
How about China? Iran? Germany?
No. They all exploit the "Christianity" of Americans.
We are the suckers.
This is not dissimilar to how liberals, Black Lives Matter and Antifa are exploiting Christians for their selfish political ambitions. Guilt. Unwarranted guilt to get what they want.
And who profited from American kind hearts?
Globalists, George Soros, the Rothschilds, world bankers. U.S. globalists sold out our Arsenal of Democracy for their personal profits: business globalists like GE, Microsoft, Apple and Starbucks;
military globalists like Gen. Mattis and his buddies (the military industrial complex);
intellectual globalists like the liberal media cartel (NBC, New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC);
deep state bureaucrat globalists like Brennan, Comey and Clapper.
These entities' desire to penetrate foreign markets and make deals with our enemies, to be interdependent, was more important to them than the welfare of average working Americans.
Trump ended that … which infuriates those globalists.
If we outsource manufacturing, employment and oil to our enemies, then who provides those items if we need them to defend the U.S.? With Trump, ripping off America is done. It is over.
USMCA. NATO nations paying fair shares. The Wall. Less immigration. Tax reform. Tariffs on China. Oil production.
Trump was making America self-sufficient again.
Trump put America first.
The stock market, GDP, employment and wages all hit new records – and that angered globalists so much that they declared war on Trump, an all-out war joined by the media, who spin everything about Trump negatively, thereby deliberately scaring Americans.
When the China virus hit, we artificially shut down the economy.
The stock market dropped 40% in just a couple of weeks.
Retirement accounts suffered. Pension plans suffered.
Investments stopped. American industry stopped.
Unemployment increased, especially for black and Hispanic Americans. All because of the virus.
Is there any wonder why many Americans feel the United States is in an economic crisis?
Worse, unemployment made our largest cities a hotbed for crime again.
Idle Americans became criminals again. All those cities are run by Democrats.
By shutting down the economy, Democrats fostered an increase of violent crime, demonstrations, looting and destruction of our wonderful American history.
Violent crime increased more than 300% in some of those Democrat-controlled cities.
We should not have shut down the economy.
The elderly and people with poor health should have sheltered in place, but not all Americans.
Shutting down the economy was a mistake.
The consequences from the shutdown were more dire than those from the virus.
So why do Democrats and media want it to shut down again now?
Our economy is our strength.
It is the cornerstone fo our security, safety and peace.
Crime drops as jobs increase. Trump got that.
He fixed those problems caused by bureaucrats and Bretton Woods.
He put American workers first.
Black and Hispanic unemployment hit record lows, and so did violent crime.
Our economy is our arsenal of democracy.
Jobs, jobs, jobs will make America great again, just as we were doing prior to the virus.
Now that we are on the road to that recovery in every measurement, globalists are trying to sabotage it.
Trump will again fix the economy – unless liberals, globalists and Democrats stop him in this next election.
Americans may feel the nation is in crisis for various reasons.
They may be scared over crime or the China virus – but the economy is the key.
We should all rest assured that Trump is on it despite how Democrats and the media try to scare us.
This election is about either going forward again with the Trump policies, or going back to the Bretton Woods approach.
Will we allow globalists to scare us about Trump when they are to blame for much of our current problems from decades of appeasement to our enemies and appeasement to radical groups like Black Lives Mater and Antifa?
Trump gets it.
Appeasement never works.
Fixing the economy helps all Americans, black, white, young, old, men, women. "America first" helps all Americans.
Whether Americans are scared or merely concerned, they all should ask themselves this question:
What happens to jobs, to wages, to religious freedom, to retirement accounts, to pension funds, to taxes and to you if Trump is not reelected?
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