A deal reached by the National Football League and the NFL Players Association bans players from attending any indoor church services that are above 25 percent capacity, multiple sources told NBC Sports on Saturday.
There are some who will say, “But Mario, they have not declared war on the Church, they are just trying to protect their players.”
Maybe this will help you see why that is not plausible:
The deal made no mention of any restrictions on attending protests.
Meanwhile, the NFL’s Twitter account has been sharing and celebrating pictures of players engaging in protests around the country.
Marching shoulder to shoulder in tight crowds shouting—even with masks—is a far greater risk than attending church.
The goal is eradicating Christianity from America, yet believers are having a hard time recognizing this as yet another piece of the puzzle.
And get this: The NFL not only wants to ban players from attending church, they want others to rat them out if they do go to church.
NBC Sports speculates that teams may “rely on contacts within the community to contact the team if/when violations are witnessed,” or even use a tip line.
In other words, members of the community would be encouraged to report players they see trying to attend church and not following the social distancing guidelines.
Other ideas suggested by NBC include tracking players or stationing officials at “local establishments,” potentially including players’ houses of worship.”
Really?! Sending informants to churches?!
How often I have warned you.
The Coronavirus is the excuse for banning Christianity in America.
Why do they want to ban the Church?
The answer is a deep one.
You must begin by looking at the food chain.
In order of descending levels, here is the food chain:
Street rioters
Leftist professors
Marxist/Socialist leaders
Democrat Politicians
The Deep State (Barack Obama, et al.)
Globalists (George Soros and Co.)
Each level of the chain does not know who is above them or what their true intentions are.
Each level has been duped by lies.
The NFL assault against American values began with Colin Kaepernick, then increased with the virus, and is intensifying under the banner of Black Lives Matter.
This is nothing less than war being waged against our faith and freedoms.
Here’s the one thing that every tentacle of this global monster relies on:
The apathy of the American Church and her inability to act as a single force.
We are the one group they know they can offend and get away with it—the one group that remains passive in the face of evil.
Behind it all is Satan. Here is what I wrote in Chapter 2 of Vessels of Fire and Glory:
“Satan needs to destroy America.
It’s his grand prize.
The need consumes him.
He fantasizes about it.
He pursues the destruction of the U.S. with extreme prejudice and unrelenting patience.
Why do you need to know about Satan’s passion to destroy America?
Without this insight, you cannot muster the necessary urgency to obey God.
You must know what is at stake, to be willing to pay the price.
“America is a firewall that prevents the one event Satan craves most: global anarchy.
Anarchy is the only thing that will make the world embrace the devil’s worldwide dictatorship.
This is why the most important goal of evil is chaos.”
Why do I tell you this?
Because I believe the enemy is wrong about the American Church.
I believe leftists confuse our kindness with weakness and mistake our patience for powerlessness.
Neither do they realize that even a few intercessor warriors, plus God, makes a majority!
Satan always forgets the promise that “the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.”
Our best weapon is not to respond with the obligatory boycott—although, I can’t imagine watching a single NFL game after this latest assault on Christianity.
Our most powerful weapon is prayer and the anointing that breaks the yoke!
But we also have immediate duties.
If we don’t act soon it will be too late.
We must vote for Trump.
Marxists want him out and that makes it beyond urgent to keep him in. Revivalists and the prophetic core must close ranks.
We must pull away from the ‘woke believers’ who are actually ‘make-believers’.
The Bible describes them as “having a form of godliness but denying its power.
And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:5)
The Left is doing the work of the enemy of God, but Christian apathy is both the Left’s greatest friend and our greatest enemy.
I will repeat what I said in my book:
“Why do you need to know about Satan’s passion to destroy America?
Without this insight, you cannot muster the necessary urgency to obey God.
You must know what is at stake to be willing to pay the price.”
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