No other revolution in history was like the American Revolution.
It was led by the wealthiest, not the most downtrodden.
Those who signed the Declaration of Independence were among the wealthiest people in the colonies.
They had more to risk than anyone, but they did not shrink back.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that they were risking all that they had, even their lives.
However, for two of them it was not just a risk—it was certain that they would lose all that they had the moment they signed. British soldiers were camped right next to their estates and would no doubt seize them immediately.
They signed anyway.
They did lose everything except their honor.
That honor will be worth more than any fortune in eternity.
Fortunes cannot be carried with us past this life, but noble deeds will be remembered forever.
The great fortunes of many today were given to them for this same purpose—to save their country.
Does anyone have something better to do with it?
Almost all the bigger homes, cars, planes, or yachts will soon be lost anyway if those seeking the destruction of our Republic are successful.
We do not want to be remembered for failing to use what we have when it is needed.
Haym Salomon, a Jewish immigrant from Poland, was one of the greatest heroes of the Revolutionary War, though he did not fight in any battle.
He had become a businessman and financier, but also one of the great American patriots.
He played a crucial part by paying for the Continental Army’s supplies throughout the Revolutionary War, but his biggest contribution came in 1781.
When General Washington saw the opportunity to trap the British Army at Yorktown, he had no supplies and the coffers for his army were empty.
He told his staff to “Contact Haym Salomon.”
Salomon quickly provided the money to buy the needed supplies for the Continental Army’s march to Virginia, where the war was won.
It is hard to verify today where Salomon got the money, but there is evidence he gave his own fortune—all of it.
He was also never repaid by the Continental Congress.
Even so, the Star of David was placed on the dollar bill in his honor.
Even more so, such deeds are not forgotten in heaven.
The American Republic Haym Salomon helped found with his fortune became the primary supporter of the founding of the modern State of Israel and the Jewish people’s return to their land.
For this reason, from heaven’s perspective, Haym Salomon is not just considered a Founding Father of the American Republic, but also of Israel.
We reap what we sow for good or bad, and it seems the great champion of the first American Revolution, Haym Salomon, is being repaid with interest.
What can we invest to help preserve this Republic that many sacrificed so much to establish and countless more gave to preserve in their time?
It must not be lost on our watch.
It is now our time to stand up.
It is again a time for heroes of the faith.
Who knows, maybe even the small part we might play in this is the part that starts to turn the tide. The Republic will be restored, but will we be a part?
Or will we be Rip van Winkle and sleep through a great revolution?
“It is always the right time to do the right thing.”
Now is the time to stand up and be counted with the great souls of every generation that have stood up.
The great champions of the faith throughout the ages have all had one common denominator:
they did not look at how small and inadequate they were, but at how big their God was.
We would only consider ourselves too old or too anything if we are looking at ourselves as the source instead of having faith in God.
As we look at the great darkness of our times, which according to Scripture will be the darkest it has been since Noah, we have the greatest opportunity of all time to see how powerful our God is.
Let us seize this incredible time in which we have been chosen to live.
Great victories require great battles, and the last battle will be the greatest of all.
Even if we failed often and shrank back from standing up as we should have until now, to have stood against the great darkness of these times is the greatest opportunity of all to be named among the great champions of the faith.
The past is gone.
It no longer exists.
Now is the time, now is the day of our salvation.
Now is the time to resolve that we will not retreat any further before the darkness, but rather we will take our stand and not surrender another inch to the enemies of the cross, regardless of the cost.
The victory will come from those who arise with faith in God.
Age, strength, education, and other natural abilities are not major factors.
Will we believe in the One with whom nothing is impossible?
If we do, we can probably count on our weaknesses being what qualifies us.
He loves to use the weak to confound the strong, the simple to confound the wise.
Yet, to be used by Him we must believe in Him.
If we see Him, who He is and where He sits above all rule and authority and dominion, and He has sent us, we cannot fail if we do not quit.
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