Trump is right to Tweet about it.
And He is right not to apologize for it.
Trump questioning why billions of dollars have been poured into Democrat controlled cities which still remain rat holes is not racism, it is common sense.
Condemning Democrats for continuing the most corrupt and hare-brained investigation in American history is not obstruction, it is instruction—it is just plain logic.
Trump must keep Tweeting because it exposes corruption in a world where the Left has fought to make certain truths unsayable.
They solemnly warn us that if we say certain things we will be shamed, and unemployable.
Because those threats do not work with Trump, he must keep using his weapon of Tweets.
The Left races to defend their own. They must show outrage—because, if Elijah Cummings is exposed as a corrupt do-nothing, others among them may be exposed, also.
But the biggest thing for Trump is that he should not apologize, because you don’t negotiate with crazy.
Alexandra says we need to spend 40 trillion dollars. Nancy says that if Trump wins a second term, she will flood the House with committees and endless investigations. Elizabeth says she is Cherokee because of trace elements in her DNA. Hillary says Bill’s behavior was not as bad as Brett Kavanagh’s. Maxine Waters says God wants us to harass Trump supporters in restaurants.
The Democrat controlled House is doing absolutely nothing for their constituents—NOTHING. They are doing nothing about jobs, nothing about crime, nothing about healthcare or the infrastructure. In fact, they are not doing anything else that affects your life. They are totally occupied with hating Trump. And, it is crazy that those who elected these people are not outraged.
When they tell you they will give more money and benefits to those who broke into our nation illegally than they will give to either you, me, or to veterans, that is madness.
Say a man breaks into your home. You got him dead to rights. Instead of leaving, he begins to act strangely and threatens you. He claims he has a right to a part of your private property. He even tells you that if you hurt him he will tell the police. A cop arrives, who is not your normal cop. For some reason this flaky officer finds merit in the burglar’s claim and suggests you find some common ground.
“Maybe you can let him use part of your house as a humanitarian gesture.” That is, well, you know— crazy.
We who support the President are not vying for some strange new world.
We merely wish to uphold the Constitution and the values that made America great.
For that we are condemned, threatened, and called vile names.
Why should we apologize for doing what is right?
They are the ones who are crazy for condemning Israel for not giving in to Palestinian demands. The fundamental demand of any of Palestinian offer of peace is that Israel must cease to exist. You can’t negotiate with that kind of blind terrorism. That is why the Israelis have not, and never will.
University Presidents say no conservative should be allowed to speak on any campus.
That’s crazy.
The Left is so gone that they have devolved from witch hunts, to witchcraft. A group of leftist witches are formally putting hexes on all Republican leaders. That is crazy! Appropriately, these witches are also making a donation to Planned Parenthood. Of course they are! Human sacrifice has always been a part of witchcraft.
The Left loves to say we are headed for a civil war.
That’s crazy.
Like true Confederates and plantation owners before them, Blue states want to secede from the Union.
They love to act like its 1860, when it is more like 1776, and the Loony Left is the British.
We are in a fight for freedom from the curse of socialism.
Oh, and need I mention that socialism is crazy?
Who is in the street wearing black masks and hitting people with bats?
Splinter News writer, Hamilton Nolan, penned an essay this week, warning that they are going to start using bombs.
That is crazy.
This is no time to tell the rational people that they need to give in to insanity.
For Democrats, the next election has nothing to with policy or reasoned debate.
It is a referendum on madness.
The next election is about the American people seeing through the media shills, the false victims, and the bloodthirsty politicians—and voting to remain free.
So: Mr. President, Tweet away, and do not apologize. Because, you don’t negotiate with crazy.
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