When Jesus was asked about the signs of the end of the age in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, He described the general conditions that have now come upon us and gave us three things to do:
1) stand up
2) look up
3) rejoice!
These are the three main things that we should set our hearts to do each day.
We must stand up for what we believe with courage and boldness.
We do this by looking up to see the One who is on the throne above all rule, authority, and dominion.
If we see Him as He is and where He sits, we will rejoice knowing with certainty that His kingdom is coming and His will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
This “joy of The Lord” will be our strength.
It is our first duty to take a stand for The Lord and His truth.
We must never retreat before the enemies of the cross.
We must resolve that we will not stop fighting until the entire earth and all it contains serves The Lord.
He has paid the full price for it, and it is His.
As soldiers of the cross, it is our duty to stand resolutely for what belongs to our King.
We have the strength and boldness to do this when we put our faith in Him, seeing Who He is and where He sits above all authority, power, and dominion.
Those who live by seeing Him as He is live as He lived, and choose death over compromising what He paid such a price for.
His truth is more precious than our temporary life in this world, and we must resolve that regardless of the cost we will stand for Him.
We are here to preach the good news of His coming kingdom and to help prepare the way for His coming, building a highway that is His higher way.
Knowing these things, how can we not rejoice regardless of how dark it may look for a time?
The night gets the darkest and coldest just before the sun rises.
It is during this darkest time that the stars shine the brightest.
Throughout history, the brightest lights have appeared during the darkest times.
We are told that the darkest times of all will be at the end of this age.
So, it is then that we can expect some of the brightest stars of all, The Son of God and “the morning star,” a sure testimony that the day is about to dawn, will soon appear.
So how do we stand up as one of those lights?
We get engaged.
“The future belongs to those who show up.” We get engaged where the darkness is.
As we are faithful in engaging in even the small things, He will give us authority over bigger matters.
We get engaged attending school board meetings and county and city board meetings.
We get engaged in media, education, business, sports, and entertainment.
We let our voices be heard clearly and often.
We do not shrink back from confronting the darkness and resolutely standing up to it.
We do not know how much longer the darkness will last until The Son appears, but let us resolve to embrace this opportunity to stand up for The King—to stand on His word and to make His Gospel known even against the greatest opposition.
To stand against the greatest darkness is the greatest honor we could be given.
At the same time, being a light in the darkness is not just about standing against the darkness; it is also having and being the answer to the greatest problems.
We must be solution oriented people instead of just problem oriented people.
Our message is how bright The Light is, not how dark the evil is.
As racism rages, let us resolve to be the temple of The Lord that is a house of prayer for all races.
Let us search our own hearts for any prejudice and resolve that we will not judge others by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character.
Let us rise far above just tolerance of those who are different and determine that we will esteem these and rejoice to know them so that we can learn things we do not understand.
As hatred rages, let us resolve to grow in love, even the ultimate love that loves our enemies.
Let us determine to hold to the truth that people are never our enemy, and that we do not war against flesh and blood, but against evil spiritual forces of wickedness that have captivated people.
We are sent to set the people free.
Fear is the biggest demonic inroad, or “gate of hell.”
Perfect love casts out fear, so let us resolve to grow in the love that casts out the fears by which the devil has bound people.
We are told in Romans 16:20 that “the God of peace will soon crush Satan under our feet.”
Two major takeaways from this is that 1) He wants to do this under our feet, and 2) it is the peace of God that crushes him.
Do not ever lose His peace.
Peace is the result of our faith in Him—who He is and where He sits above all rule and authority and dominion.
As we go into battle, peace is a primary weapon and our primary strategy.
So let us resolve to protect it and use it to the fullest effect.
In these times of rising anxiety and fear, those who walk in the peace of God will stand out as the great lights of hope that the world so desperately needs.
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