Mark Levin: Dems, Media Are Only Ones Who Are Obstructing Justice
On his nationally syndicated radio talk show “The Mark Levin Show” on Wednesday, host Mark Levin said “the only peopleobstructing justice are the democrats on Capitol Hill and the media.”
“The only people obstructing justice are the Democrats on Capitol Hill and the media,” stated Mark Levin.
“They’re the ones who are obstructing justice because they will not tolerate the outcome of this investigation.
And they’re demanding more. They’re demanding more.”
Mark Levin’s comments came after Special Counsel Robert Mueller gave testimony in front of the House Intelligence Committee yesterday, Mueller stating that
“No,” he did not know that Peter Strozk said the FBI had no case for collusion 10 months into the Russia-collusion investigation of President Donald J. Trump.
Below is a transcript, in pertinent part, of Mark Levin’s remarks from his show on Wednesday:
“There was no obstruction of justice. That’s exactly why Mueller didn’t push the issue – or I should say Weissmann. Weissmann did not push the issue of obstruction of justice.“The only people obstructing justice are the Democrats on Capitol Hill and the media. They’re the one who are obstructing justice because they will not tolerate the outcome of this investigation. And they are demanding more. They’re demanding more.“Now, let me go through this again, so even Joe Scarborough, the dimwitted, banjo player from Deliverance on the bridge, so even he can understand, although, I wonder.
“Now why?
Because of the two memos from the office of legal counsel that I uncovered and first reported on on Fox and behind this microphone? No, that’s not why.
Because he didn’t have a case.
Nobody knew better than Weissmann that he didn’t have a case. Because in 2005, in Arthur Andersen[LLP] v. United States, Mr. Weissmann representing the United State, Mr. Weissmann and the United States lost 9-0 on an obstruction case involving Arthur Andersen.
“Mr. Weissmenn must remember this, just 14 years ago, where he put 80,000 hardworking Americans out of work, where he shut down one of the wonderful accounting firms in this country, Arthur Adersen, never to return again – like a good liberal.
“There are certain elements that are required for obstruction of justice.”
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