The Trans Agenda in Schools: It's Elementary
September 20, 2017 - FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL
Do parents even have a role in their children's education these days?
That was the question posed to one school board in Rocklin, California, where administrators have intentionally kept moms and dads in the dark while they push transgenderism on kids as young as five.
Angry parents lined up to complain about the indoctrination, which started when the school demanded that students call a young boy a girl -- and continued when another teacher read a book about gender-confusion to her kindergarten class.
Hundreds of families, community leaders, and pastors turned out to protest Rocklin's handling of the situation, which left dozens of young children confused and scared.
And why shouldn't it?
The American College of Pediatricians calls this kind of transgender propaganda "child abuse."
But despite the outcry, Rocklin's board went ahead with a ridiculous policy that gives teachers more authority than the students' own parents.
With unanimous approval, the board will now let "teachers decide if an issue is controversial."
Teachers will also decide -- not when, but if -- parents are notified about controversial lessons on gender.
And, in the most outrageous development of all, the district has decided that it will not allow families to opt their kids out.
Forty families have pulled their children from the district -- and I don't blame them! It shows a stunning amount of arrogance on the part of the academic elite to suggest that teachers know better than parents.
That's in direct contradiction to the biblical instruction to mothers and fathers to train up their children in the way they should go.
Parents are the first line of defense for their kids, especially as education becomes an even deeper liberal abyss.
Now, districts like Rocklin are robbing moms and dads of their authority on an issue that shouldn't be a classroom discussion in the first place -- let alone an elementary school one.
San Antonio families can sympathize.
Monday night, local families streamed into the city's school board meeting to object to a gender-free policy that would let boys into girls' bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers.
As usual, members approved the rules without ever consulting parents! And the backlash has been severe. More than 1,300 San Antonio residents have signed their names to a petition in opposition to the guidance, our friends at Texas Values explain.
"The community here in San Antonio needs to understand that we're here tonight for every student --not just one particular kind of student," said Elizabeth Gonzales. "If we're truly wanting to be united, we must be fair and just to every student. And to be fair, we must make sure parents and students are being given ample opportunity to come to the table and be heard. I believe in doing that, there will be change." Until then, she (and countless other parents around the country) aren't so optimistic.
In schools, discussions aren't allowed.
And in an environment that already stigmatizes any form of religious expression, it's not difficult to see where this kind of ideological oppression leads.
What's more, teachers are increasingly sending students the subtle message that parents don't know what they're talking about. That's a dangerous seed to plant -- and one that only grows as teenagers transition from public schools to public universities.
Too many parents have abdicated their leadership role in their kids' education. And if moms and dads don't take it back now, there won't be much hope left.
Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.
My comments: Satan wants to send your Children to Hell, and one of his his Surrogates is the Public Schools System, run by the LEFT. No Christian should send their Child to a Public School.
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