Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever

Today, we are in The Season Of The Last Generation. The Birth Pains that Christ Jesus spoke about are currently under way, including natural and unnatural disasters. They will be ever increasing. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Social, economic and political turmoil will be ever increasing, causing people's hearts to be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life. An apostasy within the Church of God is currently under way. This will all reach a climax with Satan revealing his Antichrist and requiring that everyone worship him; That every one receive his "mark" in order to buy or sell; The new currency of the New World Order, the New Tower of Babel.

Today, it is critical that those who have a heart for God are aware of what God is doing and speaking today. God is opening up His Word like never before in preparation for The Time Of The END. I exhort you to open up your heart and your eyes to see what He is doing and your ears to hear what God is speaking at this time. My prayer is that we will be able to stand before the Son of Man at His appearing, without fault and with great joy. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's book, America's Last Call at davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com. Also, Google, Tommy Hicks Prophecy, 1961 for a view of the End Times.

Tom's books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, Daniel And The Time Of The END, and Overcoming The Evil One. They are available at amazon.com. They can also be read without cost by clicking on link: Toms Books.

To receive Christ Jesus as a child by faith is the highest human achievement.

Today, the Bride Of Christ is rising up in every nation in the world! Giving Glory to Her Savior and King, Christ Jesus!
Today, the world is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion! Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation!
Today, America is being ground to powder because of it's SIN against God!

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Monday, September 4, 2017


September 4, 2017: Evangelist Billy Graham weighs in on why God uses tragedies like Hurricane Harvey to bring us closer to Himself.

Hurricane Harvey: Billy Graham on Why God Uses Disasters to Bring Us Closer to Himself

 Sep 04, 2017 08:41 AM EDT - GOSPEL HERALD
Tragedies like Hurricane Harvey often raise questions about the goodness of God and His plan. How could a loving and kind God, some ask, use such a terrible natural disaster to bring us closer to Himself? 
In response to a similar question posed by a reader, evangelist Billy Graham recently explained that while God may use tragedies or heartaches to bring us closer to Himself, but it doesn't mean He's being cruel in doing so.
"In fact, the opposite is the case," the 98-year-old founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said. 
"The problem, you see, is with us, not with God. Our hearts easily become cold and indifferent to God, and we refuse to listen to Him when He's trying to get our attention. We can even become so hardened toward God that we can't hear His voice. When this happens, the only way He can get our attention may be to allow something to happen to us that will shatter our indifference or rebellion."
Only then will we face our need for Christ, and turn in faith and trust to Him, the evangelist explained.
"Just as we discipline our children so they'll do what is right, so God sometimes disciplines us so we'll turn to Him and follow Him," Graham said. "The Bible says, 'No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it" (Hebrews 12:11).
It's important to understand that not every difficulty in life comes to us for this reason, Graham said. However, when hard times come (as they will), we need to ask what God may be trying to teach us through them.
"Most of all, we need to turn to Him for the strength and patience we need. Never forget: God's love is strongest when our own strength is weakest," he concluded.
After landing in southeast Texas last Friday, Harvey dumped as much as 50 inches of rain, killing at least 59 people and displacing over 1 million. Currently, tens of thousands of people are still living in shelters seeking aid, reports CNN.
In an earlier "My Answers" post, Graham admitted he doesn't know all the reasons why God doesn't intervene and stop all suffering and conflict and injustice.
"Someday we will know-but not yet," he said. "But I do know two very important truths. 
First, this world is not the way God intended for it to be. The world was perfect when God created it-but then something intervened, and that 'something' was sin. 
The human race rebelled against its Creator-and like a deadly spiritual cancer, sin invaded the world and brought death and destruction in its wake.
Second, someday God will intervene, and all the evil and pain and sorrow we now experience will be destroyed. Satan, our adversary, will be banished forever, and God will make all things new. 
The Bible says, 'But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells' (2 Peter 3:13)."
Graham encouraged believers to examine their hearts ask themselves: "How will I react when troubles and problems arise?"
"Will we react in anger, or despair, or doubt, or hopelessness? Will we spend our time blaming others for our problems, or denying that they even exist and refusing to do anything about them? Will we try to solve our problems on our own-even if this isn't realistic?" he asked.
"Or will we turn to God for the wisdom and strength we need?" Graham continued. "This doesn't mean all our problems will suddenly vanish. But it does mean we'll no longer be alone, and even in the midst of life's deepest problems we'll find that God is strengthening us and helping us. 
Just as exercise makes our muscles grow stronger, so troubles and trials can make us stronger emotionally and spiritually."

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