Tomorrow is the Fourth of July—a time we Americans celebrate "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
You know, God has given us a blueprint for happiness. Some people think it comes from freedom from all constraints. But this isn't true. Happiness comes from staying within the walls of protection that God has given us in His Word.
Do you want to be a happy person? Happiness is found in doing things God's way—that's where we find true freedom.
Take sex, for example. Within God's boundary of marriage, sex is powerful, pleasurable, and fulfilling. Take it outside of God's plan, and it is destructive and dangerous. This is something the devil doesn't want you to know.
There's a new book that talks about the powerful forces of love, sex, and romance, written by my friend Levi Lusko. We're giving this book as a thank-you to those who donate any amount to Harvest Ministries this month.
This book is a real eye-opener, covering topics like intimacy, regret, guilt, pleasure, purity, marriage, divorce, scars, and how to communicate with your kids about sex.
I encourage you to get a copy. We'll mail one to you in thanks for your gift to Harvest today. Below is the link where you can give:
Your gift helps us proclaim God's message of true freedom to a world that desperately needs to hear it. Thank you for giving.
In Christ,
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