The Chair
C D Swanson
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2 KJV
Do you ever wonder, when you look at an empty chair, “what would I do or say if Jesus were sitting there?”
I’ve imagined it quite often. Which brings to mind a story of an elderly lady, who passed away in a nursing home, she was always talking to an “empty chair.” When people would ask “whom are you speaking with?” she’d reply “Jesus is sitting there.”
This was something the workers became accustomed to, and believed she was delusional. Until one day the covering nurse found she’d passed away during the night. However, what puzzled the nurse was the way she was found… sitting in a chair as if “someone” was holding her, curled up with a smile on her face!
During the “noise” of the world do you still feel Him and hear His voice? We can go to a beautiful relaxing lake and yet we may still have the “noise” of the world tumultuously raging within us. How can we quiet the world?—Read His Word. Push out the world/garbage and absorb the treasure of His voice.
The Spirit will renew every part of us when we take time to read His Word.
“Father, we thank You for Your Word and for Your love, help us to realize that You are in control at all times, and that You alone offer perfect peace in this troubled world, thank You for Your light, may Your light guide those in the dark, and touch their hearts, now and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
C D writes for His glory. Contact
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