The Desperate Love of the Heavenly Father
Cheryl Weber
The way we view the reason for Christ’s atoning death says much about how we view the character of God. We might think Jesus died so he could step between us and the wrath of God. If so, we probably view the Creator of the universe as an angry judge ready to bludgeon us for our imperfections and mess ups.
Yet the Bible describes a plan for our redemption birthed in the heart of a Heavenly Father eager to find a way to bring us back to himself. Our sins grieved and angered a holy God, yet his love and compassion for us compelled him to take desperate measures to save us.
Perhaps the Father said, “I love them so much, and I long for them to return to me. I can’t bear to destroy them with my wrath. Son, will you go and pay the price for their sins that they cannot pay? I will go to any lengths to bring healing, transformation and new life to my wandering children.”
Ephesians 1:7-8 says, “He [God] is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.” (NLT)
Jesus said that anyone who has seen him had seen the Father (John 14:9.) We can be so thankful that God paid the ultimate sacrifice to save us from our sins. He loved us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8) and sent Jesus so that we would not be condemned (John 3:17) but saved.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you that your love and mercy triumphs over judgment and covers a multitude of sins. Thank you that Jesus willingly paid the ultimate sacrifice to satisfy the desperate love of your longing heart.
Contact Cheryl and find more of her articles HERE.
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