Light and Dark
Harriett Ford
". . .on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned." Isa. 9:2b NIV.
Two invisible kingdoms, one darkness and one Light, exist here on earth (Col. 1: 13) and John tells us whole world lies in darkness (I Jn. 5: 19).
In Genesis, God spoke Light into existence to overcome the darkness. Both day and night began. That is astonishing when you discover that the SUN was not created until the fourth Day, yet on the third day in verse 11, the earth begins to bloom and blossom and bring forth fruit!
How can this be? Jesus is the Light of the world. He prepared a supernatural harvest for man before the sun was created.
People walking in the Son light reflect His light (Matt. 5:14) just as Adam did until he lost his garment of light and crown of dominion (Psa. 8:5; Heb. 2: 7).
Jesus overcame three hours of supernatural darkness on the cross. He restored that garment of light and crown to every believer. He made inoperative the works of the devil (I Jn 3: 8). That includes disease, depression, addiction, and dysfunction of any kind. But it's not automatic. The prince of this world will steal from us. Jesus gave His followers authority to command those works to leave. His supernatural Light overcomes the darkness.
Father, when I walk by natural light, I get natural results.
When I walk in the Son Light, I get supernatural results. I cancel the assignment of the enemy against me in the Name of Jesus. I rule and reign over the dark according to Eph. 1: 21. I overcome by the blood of the Lamb and Light of the world. Amen.
Harriett Ford, author and speaker. Contact her and find her articles and books HERE.
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