Globalist force-feeding of 'refugees' firmly rejected, without apology
Leo Hohmann
President Trump proposed a temporary halt on refugee resettlement from six countries known to harbor Islamic terrorists, and the U.S. establishment went into convulsions, a level of hysteria not seen over any policy ever proposed by a modern-day president.
But in Japan there is no such debate about refugees. That’s because the Asian nation has a permanent ban on refugees from Muslim countries.
John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, referred to the lack of a problem with terrorism in Japan in an interview Friday on Fox News.
“This [G7 meeting] is being held in Sicily. The Italians are the hosts this year. And Sicily is one of the places in Southern Europe where so many of the refugees from North Africa come,” Bolton said.
“We’ve just seen an attack in Egypt this morning on a busload of Coptic Christians by Islamic terrorists. So, I think this issue of how to deal with terrorism and how to deal with the refugee so-called problem, how to work better together in light of the Manchester attack, really this is the time to be very realistic about the threats that everybody, with the exception of Japan, around that table is facing.”
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe with President Donald Trump
The Brits are following 3,000 terror plots now in the wake of the Manchester attack. The United States has more than 900 active ISIS investigations in all 50 states, according to former FBI Director James Comey, stretching the FBI to its limits in trying to track all of the suspected jihadists.
Meanwhile the Japanese live in peace.
Terrorism is not happening in Poland, either.
Nor is it happening in Slovenia or Hungary.
All of these countries keep Islamic migrants out, and Hungary recently punctuated its policy by erecting a razor-wire fence along its southern border.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has scolded Japan repeatedly over the years, trying to get the country to accept refugees, mostly Muslim, from various countries. The Japanese have steadfastly refused.
In 2016, Japan granted refugee status to only 28 people out of 10,901 applicants. In other words, 99 percent of applications were rejected.
Of the few refugees that Japan has taken in, most are non-Muslims from Burma, and, even then, Japan requires them to go through an extensive, months-long training on Japanese culture.
Poland’s prime minister, Beata Szydlo, has also refused the constant pressure from the European Union for her country to accept its “quota” Muslim refugees from the Middle East and Africa.
“Poland will not submit to any blackmail on the part of the European Union,” Szydło stated during a parliamentary debate, adding that her Central European nation would not be participating in the “madness of the Brussels elites.”
Referencing the Islamic suicide bombing that killed 22, mainly children, and injured dozens more at a pop concert in Manchester this week, the Catholic prime minister said she had the courage to call out the EU’s political elites on their “folly.”
Two Polish citizens were among those killed in Monday night’s atrocity in Manchester.
“Where are you going, Europe? Get up off your knees. Get out of your lethargy. Otherwise you will be crying every day for your children,” she warned, stating that Poland had no intention of accepting Brussels-imposed migrants.
Yet, the leaders of the Western European and U.S. governments don’t seem to be able to look at what is going on around the world and draw the conclusions that are so obvious to Japan and Poland.
“There’s a direct link between Islamic immigration and terrorist attacks,” says Ann Corcoran, editor of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog. “As we get more Muslim immigration, we’re going to get more terror attacks. It’s like a straight-line graph. Trump should invite the prime minister of Poland to the White House. It would send a message to the wimps in Europe, it would send a message to Americans that he really does believe what he originally said during the campaign.”
Only last week, the European Commission again warned Poland of “consequences” if it continued to refuse to take in migrants from camps in Italy and Greece, a decision the previous government was set to implement. Since Szydło’s Law and Justice Party came to power in October 2015, however, Poland has refused to resettle a single migrant, infuriating Brussels.
In 2015, the EU’s Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, discussed plans to open legal channels for the migration of a staggering 50 million migrants into Europe over the next several decades. Similar figures have previously been proposed in relation to immigration from Africa alone, with the stated goal of importing labor to make up for collapsing birth-rates across the continent.
Only days ago, a leaked German report revealed there were almost 7 million migrants ready to cross from North Africa and Turkey into Europe. Other estimates circulating put the number of those on the point of embarking on the journey in the tens of millions.
Corcoran pointed out in a recent post that the United Nations doesn’t seem to pester communist and Islamic countries that refuse to accept Muslim migrants.
“The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees has been haranguing Japan for years to open its doors (and begin diluting their culture) to the masses of Middle Eastern and African (mostly Muslim) migrants on the move around the world,” Corcoran writes. “I have not seen the UNHCR harangue China, Saudi Arabia or some other Middle Eastern countries in the same way they nag Japan.”
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