Poll: Americans Liberal on Many Moral Issues, But Not Abortion, Porn, Adultery
Angel and demon struggle for a
human soul.
(CNSNews.com) -- In its latest annual Values and Beliefs poll, Gallup found that strong majorites of Americans are very liberal on certain moral issues, such as birth control, divorce, sex outside of marriage, homosexual relations, and having children out of wedlock, but Americans are not liberal on issues such as abortion, pornography, cloning animals or humans, and adultery.
On abortion, cloning, birth control, and adultery, moreover, there was essentially no change in Americans' views of those topics. For instance, in 2001, only 42% viewed abortion as morally acceptable. Today that percentage is 43%.
"Americans continue to express an increasingly liberal outlook on what is morally acceptable, as their views on 10 of 19 moral issues that Gallup measures are the most left-leaning or permissive they have been to date," reported Gallup on May 11.
"On an absolute basis, Americans are most likely to view birth control, divorce and sex between unmarried people as morally acceptable," said the polling firm. "At least two-thirds say each of these is OK."
"Americans are least likely to believe suicide, polygamy, cloning humans and extramarital affairs are permissible; fewer than one in five say these practices are morally acceptable," said Gallup.
On abortion, only 43% of Americans say it is "morally acceptable"; 49% say it is "morally wrong."
Here is how some of the "morally acceptable" issues broke down:
Birth control, 91% morally acceptable
Divorce, 73%
Sex between an unmarried man and woman, 69%
Gay or lesbian relations, 63%
Having a baby outside of marriage, 62%
Human embryo stem cell research, 61%
Doctor-assisted suicide, 57%
Abortion, 43%
Sex between teenagers, 36%
Pornography, 36%
Cloning animals, 32%
Suicide, 18%
Polygamy, 17%
Cloning humans, 14%
Extramarital affairs, 9%
(Screenshot: YouTube, Center for Medical Progress.)
Polygamy, curiously, is up from 7% (in 2003) approval as "morally acceptable" to 17% today. Also, having a baby outside of marriage is up from 45% acceptable (in 2002) to 62% morally acceptable today. Gay and lesbian relations are also way up, from 40% aceptable in 2001 to 63% morally acceptable in 2017.
"Americans have adopted more permissive views on matters of morality than they held at the beginning of the 21st century," said Gallup. "Much of this change was apparent a few years ago, but opinions continue to shift in a slightly more left-leaning direction. Some of this change reflects increased social tolerance, while some is attributable to generational changes."
"It would appear that U.S. opinions will continue on this path, as younger, more liberal generations replace older, more conservative ones in the U.S. population," said the survey firm. "Currently, about as many Americans say they are socially liberal as say they are socially conservative; in the past, conservatives outnumbered liberals by a significant margin."
"And while more Americans still identify themselves as politically conservative than as politically liberal, that gap is shrinking as well," reported Gallup.
My comments: America is on the Wide Road to HELL, before the Living God, and only REPENTANCE will change that Condition.
(Photo: firstpost.com)
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