March 5, 2015
Obama presides over the stupefying of America
By Tim Dunkin
stu•pe•fy (v.) – to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor; also, to overwhelm with amazement; astound; astonish.
In searching for one word to describe the state of affairs in America at the present time, I kept coming back to the word "stupefying." For my purposes here, this is anincredibly useful word for illustrating what Barack Obama, and the left-wing in general, have done to our country.
One half of the country is stupefied in the sense of the first definition – they are in a state of little to no sensibility, their faculties of thought and reasoning have been benumbed, and these low-information drones float along in a hero worship-induced stupor as their Pres__ent pulls the country down around their ears.
The rest of us – the liberty lovers, the traditionalists, the conservatives, and so forth – seem as if we are overwhelmed with amazement at the insanity of it all, astonished and astounded that living, breathing people could make such consistently foolish mistakes and say and believe such amazingly stupid things.
And yet, they do.
What are some of the things which liberals and left-wingers believe which are absolute rubbish?
Well, we can start with their belief in "manmade climate change." They believe in it despite the mounting evidence against it that has managed to circumvent the information blockade they have attempted to place around it. They tried to claim that "97% of scientists believe in global warming" – a claim which has been thorough debunked. They had to change their terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" once it became apparent that the Earth wasn't actually warming and was instead cooling, but this salient clue didn't have any effect on their overall position. They have fallen back onto the ridiculous assertion that essentially any change in the weather – colder or hotter, drier or wetter – is evidence for "climate change."
And of course, it is. But not MANMADE climate change. Climates change all the time. The whole history of Earth's climate has been one of change. The ancient Near East saw entire cultures destroyed and replaced by new settlers because climate change in the second half of the second millennium BC caused many regions to become drier and unable to support as many mouths, causing the excess populations to move. The high Middle Ages saw a warming period that allowed people to conduct viticulture in England and southern Scandinavia – areas which are too cold for it now. All of these climate changes took place before large-scale industrialization and manmade CO2 production.
I think that what highlights the absolutely ridiculous and unscientific nature of the belief that climate change is manmade, or at least substantially so, is shown in the fact that those on the Left who believe in evince no understanding of chaos/complexity theory and how it relates to the weather (which is ironic, since one of the founders of chaos theory made his discoveries while trying to determine ways to better predict the weather).
It's as if the entirety of the political Left has simply ignored the advent of an completely new branch of science over the last sixty years. It is astoundingly unscientific to think that in a system as complex and nonlinear as the Earth's climatosphere, changing one variable (such as CO2 concentration in the atmosphere) is going to have a linear, directly correlative effect on one other variable (temperature). I will readily concede that manmade CO2 may have some effect on our environment – as does anything else, manmade or natural, that is introduced into the environment that wasn't there before – but to what extent, or even in what direction that effect may be, has not been established with any conclusiveness at all.
And to top it all off, these self-proclaimed paladins of science will burn at the stake (figuratively, for the time being), any scientist who dares to speak heresy against the dogma of global warming. Some of the faithful have even suggested an inquisition be made against "climate deniers." If they have their way, any new science publications will likely require Al Gore's personal nihil obstat, guaranteeing that they contain nothing to disturb the sensibilities of Gaia's holy children.
To quote Ron Popiel, who also made a living out of selling you on things you didn't want and didn't need, "But wait, there's more!"
What about gay marriage? Think about it for a minute. How ridiculous – on its face – is the idea that two men can marry each other, or two women the same? I realize that the lefties try to contrive some "equal rights" arguments to give themselves a presumed moral high ground, but really – who actually thinks this is a good idea?
Well, I guess the cultural Left does – which explains a few things.
Compounding the problem is that every single "equal rights" argument advanced by supporters of same-sex marriage is bilious nonsense that anybody with common sense can see right through. Gays already have equal rights – marital or otherwise. Even before the judicial imposition of their perversion, gays could marry the exact same set of people that their straight equivalents could. Gays were already equal before the law.
And to top it all off, these self-proclaimed paladins of science will burn at the stake (figuratively, for the time being), any scientist who dares to speak heresy against the dogma of global warming. Some of the faithful have even suggested an inquisition be made against "climate deniers." If they have their way, any new science publications will likely require Al Gore's personal nihil obstat, guaranteeing that they contain nothing to disturb the sensibilities of Gaia's holy children.
To quote Ron Popiel, who also made a living out of selling you on things you didn't want and didn't need, "But wait, there's more!"
What about gay marriage? Think about it for a minute. How ridiculous – on its face – is the idea that two men can marry each other, or two women the same? I realize that the lefties try to contrive some "equal rights" arguments to give themselves a presumed moral high ground, but really – who actually thinks this is a good idea?
Well, I guess the cultural Left does – which explains a few things.
Compounding the problem is that every single "equal rights" argument advanced by supporters of same-sex marriage is bilious nonsense that anybody with common sense can see right through. Gays already have equal rights – marital or otherwise. Even before the judicial imposition of their perversion, gays could marry the exact same set of people that their straight equivalents could. Gays were already equal before the law.
Gay marriage is not the "new civil rights movement." There is no credible case to be made for comparing the legitimate efforts of black Americans to secure equal access to civic life and civil rights with the effort by 2% of the population which *chooses* their lifestyle to impose a special, completely unhistorical and illogical definition of marriage onto everyone else using the force of government.
Oh, and the people who said the redefinition of marriage wouldn't cheapen the institution or simply cause a further degradation of social mores? Well, what are we to now make of the woman who married her dog, or the man who married his pillow, or the woman who married herself? Forget worries about polygamy or incest or even bestiality. Those are so passé. Who would have thought we would ever see pulvinosexuality in our lifetimes? Looks like the arguments by our society's jeremiahs were right.
And since we're on the subject, what about the Left's adamant determination to believe that homosexuality is genetic, rather than a learned choice made by the individuals who participate in it? The Left has been absolutely flipping their wigs about Ben Carson's common sense assertion that homosexuality is a choice. There is no science to support the notion of genetic homosexuality, and the fact that there are so many ex-homosexuals who have left the lifestyle suggest that it's not quite as deterministic as the Gay Lobby would have us to believe.
It goes on and on. Against all the evidence, the Democrats and other left-wing wackadoodles deny that Iran with a nuclear bomb poses any sort of a threat to America – but law-abiding Americans owning 5.56×45 mm ammunition with a green tip is a clear and present danger to all that is good and right. Even though Eric Holder's own Just-Us Department finally had to admit that there were no civil rights charges they could lodge against Darren Wilson, and indeed that the whole narrative from the Left had been one big, fat, ugly lie, there are still Democrats in Congress and left-wing hardcases all over America who will be chanting "Hands up, don't shoot!" for years to come.
The stupefying part is that these beliefs are not accidental. They purposefully and willfully believe them, against evidence, against reason, against common sense.
Not only that, but to justify themselves in it, they build up around themselves a self-contained fact space through which they only allow the "facts" that already agree with their preconceived conclusions, which only serves to stupefy them even more. And Google is all set to help them do this even more, once they start ranking websites for "factuality" (i.e. for conformity to left-wing positions on the issues). There's nothing like a nice big cone of silence to really make left-wingers and progressives feel good about themselves.
So what can those of us in Common Sense America do about this? Well, not a lot, except to keep proclaiming truth and trying to wake up as many folks on the other side as we can. As a whole, the Left is a hopeless case. They're so sold out to their fanciful unreality than as a whole, they will only sink their claws in deeper and hold on for dear life. A few individuals that we can deal with one-on-one may be salvageable, but as a whole? No way.
In the end, we may just have to let nature take its course, and once the reset button has been pushed, use our knowledge and experience to make sure something like the American Left never happens again. Until then, buckle up, because it's going to be a wild ride.
© Tim Dunkin
Oh, and the people who said the redefinition of marriage wouldn't cheapen the institution or simply cause a further degradation of social mores? Well, what are we to now make of the woman who married her dog, or the man who married his pillow, or the woman who married herself? Forget worries about polygamy or incest or even bestiality. Those are so passé. Who would have thought we would ever see pulvinosexuality in our lifetimes? Looks like the arguments by our society's jeremiahs were right.
And since we're on the subject, what about the Left's adamant determination to believe that homosexuality is genetic, rather than a learned choice made by the individuals who participate in it? The Left has been absolutely flipping their wigs about Ben Carson's common sense assertion that homosexuality is a choice. There is no science to support the notion of genetic homosexuality, and the fact that there are so many ex-homosexuals who have left the lifestyle suggest that it's not quite as deterministic as the Gay Lobby would have us to believe.
It goes on and on. Against all the evidence, the Democrats and other left-wing wackadoodles deny that Iran with a nuclear bomb poses any sort of a threat to America – but law-abiding Americans owning 5.56×45 mm ammunition with a green tip is a clear and present danger to all that is good and right. Even though Eric Holder's own Just-Us Department finally had to admit that there were no civil rights charges they could lodge against Darren Wilson, and indeed that the whole narrative from the Left had been one big, fat, ugly lie, there are still Democrats in Congress and left-wing hardcases all over America who will be chanting "Hands up, don't shoot!" for years to come.
The stupefying part is that these beliefs are not accidental. They purposefully and willfully believe them, against evidence, against reason, against common sense.
Not only that, but to justify themselves in it, they build up around themselves a self-contained fact space through which they only allow the "facts" that already agree with their preconceived conclusions, which only serves to stupefy them even more. And Google is all set to help them do this even more, once they start ranking websites for "factuality" (i.e. for conformity to left-wing positions on the issues). There's nothing like a nice big cone of silence to really make left-wingers and progressives feel good about themselves.
So what can those of us in Common Sense America do about this? Well, not a lot, except to keep proclaiming truth and trying to wake up as many folks on the other side as we can. As a whole, the Left is a hopeless case. They're so sold out to their fanciful unreality than as a whole, they will only sink their claws in deeper and hold on for dear life. A few individuals that we can deal with one-on-one may be salvageable, but as a whole? No way.
In the end, we may just have to let nature take its course, and once the reset button has been pushed, use our knowledge and experience to make sure something like the American Left never happens again. Until then, buckle up, because it's going to be a wild ride.
© Tim Dunkin
My comments: The "Left" is synonymous with godless. This is a critical to understand. They are agaisnt God, His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant and His Commandments. That is the trust of all that they do. That is the RELIGION they all subscribe to. They are God HATERS because God, Chrsit Jesus, tells them that what they do is EVIL! (John 7:7) These are the people who will "Coronate" The Antichrist, receive his "mark" and worship him.
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