Count All Your Blessings by Keith Henry
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (James 1:2-3 NIV)
From the outside looking in, one might wonder what blessings I have to count. Let me help; I lost my well-paying job, my house, my cars, and my wife. Money is taken out of my already small paycheck; rent is always late, and I often wonder if I will have the internet to submit my devotionals.
They don’t sound much like blessings, do they? But they are. When I lost my job, house, and car I became humble and lost my pride. I worshiped my wife, even placing her above God. When she left, I lost my idol and drew closer to God (she is now a distant second). I was the one who provided, through my efforts, for my family; now I survive on little or no money and rely only on Him who provides. Can you see the blessings now?
Not all blessings give us warm and fuzzy feelings; the warm and fuzzy are definitely better than the trials and the testing, but they don’t necessarily lead us to the goal. James speaks of the goal in verse four:
“Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
This is the true blessing--being given the opportunity to become what I call "hyperspiritual." I am not knocking the warm and fuzzy; these reveal God’s grace, mercy, and kindness. However, when counting your blessings be sure to count all of your blessings. Please, for the love of God, always, thank Him for them all.
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