by | Jun 25, 2024 | Living Proof Tent Crusades
It was a beautiful evening in Batavia, NY as the second night in the Tent began. For the first time that I can remember, the second night had a larger crowd than the first.
The night began with Catherine and her team leading the people in a great time of praise to our God. They sounded incredible and were very anointed, as always.

Mario began the night by talking about the anthropologist Margaret Mead, and how she had tried to describe Christianity as being just a collective experience. She said that religion was just “human emotion”, that it was basically from one culture and that she had no basis for believing it to be of supernatural origin.
Mario countered by sharing from Acts chapter 2, when the church was born and there were individuals from every nation. When the Holy Spirit came upon them they began speaking in each of the people's various languages and dialects, telling of the mighty works of God.

Mario shared how the birthday of Christianity was international and multicultural. And the people there at the time were amazed because these were not learned men, but simple men, fishermen and the like.
“For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist” (Luke 21:15 NKJV).
Mario said that we are soon going to see a time where God is going to slice through the lies of our time and speak to perversion, all under the anointing and unction of the Holy Spirit. And that we will begin to see people get saved in record numbers.
He then told the people in the Tent that they were not there by accident. That God even knew where they would sit. And that the Truth would begin to work in them and that God’s Spirit would remove every excuse for remaining unsaved. He told them that now is the time to get right with God.
Mario declared, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.” And he said he has seen it turn a wife-beating alcoholic into a saint and model husband, in one step rather than twelve. That he’d seen it deliver the drug addict and the perverted. Watched it remove suicide, heal race problems and change societies.
Nothing is like the love of God. Nothing is more powerful.
The further we have moved from God, the more we have begun to be miserable, and we know it. The more the churches began to apologize for God, the less power they had, and the more the general public was victimized.
He said, “That’s not going to happen under this Tent. I’m going after you, and you’re going to understand you don’t need to go home and think about it.”
He talked about how society has been conditioning us to not question things. To not think they are wrong, or indecent, but that causes your children to suffer, your body to suffer, your mind to suffer, and it tells you not to connect the dots of what’s really going on.
The idea being attacked is the one that says we are not supposed to think for ourselves. Because when you do, when something is wrong you know it’s wrong.
Mario talked about how when COVID was at its peak, people did for their body what they never do for their soul, they checked for symptoms. We couldn’t taste our food. We worried if we felt warm or had trouble breathing. And because we knew it was dangerous, we were constantly afraid and looking for signs of its presence.
He said, the Bible doesn’t tell us what the symptoms of COVID are, but it does describe the symptoms of a corrupt generation.
“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:1-5 NKJV).
Then Mario re-iterated four of the items in those verses: unthankful, unholy, unloving, and unforgiving. He told the people if they’ve ever checked for symptoms of COVID, to now check themselves to see if they are culturally cursed. That these words are symptomatic of what’s going on.
Each of those words, the prefix “un” means that whatever comes after the prefix is not there. Unthankful means there is no gratitude. Not that you don’t leave a good tip, but that you’ve lost the power to feel or appreciate beauty.
Mario said people’s minds are beginning to awaken to the damage being done, what’s its doing to our children, and to our lives. How people who have participated in all this experimental perversion, and surgeries, and altering of genetics, have discovered not only boredom but desperation and a loss of natural affection.
And speaking of people being unforgiving, he said it speaks of a wound that never heals. He said it isn’t when you get so depressed or are in total despair that suicide is a threat. It is when it doesn’t matter anymore, when you have become numb. When you’re feelings of hope are so far gone that you no longer desire to search for hope.
Mario then shared what he considers the most terrifying verse in the Bible
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NKJV).
He said it’s terrifying because in order to determine how extremely horrible something is, you look at the extremes someone would go to in order to keep you from it. Whatever hell is, God the Father decided to give His only Son so you wouldn’t have to go there.
Finally Mario shared about vaccinations. How traditionally they were designed to fool the body into designing antibodies by introducing an inert, powerless, version of the disease to be treated.
In today’s churches this inert, powerless, thing is modern preaching. It has the symbols and lingo of Christianity, but it doesn’t tell you to repent. It doesn’t tell you you’re going to hell, and it lets you go to church while keeping your immoral lifestyle. We are giving people a harmless Christianity, a faith with dead cells in it.
And you think it’s right, you think you are right, you believe you are right with God. You believe you know God. But your habits have not left, your agony has not left, all your old life is still there. You are unchanged. And so the only thing you get out of it is immunity. So when the real comes along, you can sit in church totally unaffected.
Mario then had the people close their eyes and began to speak to those who wanted to be free of their depression, to have a fresh clean slate, to be rid of their anger, their loneliness, and their fear. Those who want to know when they die they are going to go to Heaven.
He had them raise their hands, then stand, and finally come forward. It was a beautiful response as people came and filled the front of the Tent.

Pastor John shared a final prophecy from his father:
“Have I not said that there would be a visitation in this region. They shall come from the North. They shall come from the South. They shall come from the East. And they shall come from the West. For there is a sound that is going out that there is bread again in Bethlehem. And yea, the hungry shall come. The thirsty shall come. The bruised and the broken shall come. And they shall find rest in my house. And they shall find deliverance. They shall find that I am the Lord God, yesterday, today, and I am ever the same. I change not. For I am getting ready to arise and smite the enemy and deliver my people. And they shall come from afar to this place. Even from across the ocean to see what God is doing in this region. Yea it is a set time and an appointed hour. And I am about to break the power of the wicked one. And my glory shall be seen in this place. And it shall radiate and it shall go out to the ends of the earth. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel.”
Mario then went on to preach a little longer. To encourage the people to become soldiers. He said, the quiet and harmless church, no one wants it. It no longer makes any sense. The drug addict is too addicted to want a quiet church. The Christian Warrior is too on fire to want a quiet church.

Then the atmosphere turned almost on a dime. One moment Mario was speaking and the next moment it felt like the air went out of the room as it was filled with a fresh presence of the Holy Spirit.
Mario pointed toward a section of the audience and said a man sitting there had suffered multiple heart attacks, and was being healed. Then Mario pointed to another section where a woman was being healed of migraine’s, blurry vision, and insomnia.
Next, he pointed out a man with diabetes, heart disease, neuropathy, and vision loss. Then, a woman who had been in a car accident, with pain in the back, neck, and jaw. All being healed. And he pointed to someone who had been diagnosed in the early stages of cancer.
Then he went on to a woman who was being healed of five things. He revealed her devotion to prayer, how her Bible is filled with papers of people and places she was consistently praying for. She received healing in her heart, her lungs, her spine, her eyes, and a growth in her throat. When Mario mentioned her lungs, I saw her take a deep breath and her eyes grew wide as she could breathe without difficulty. Then she felt her neck for the lump and it wasn’t there.

Next he revealed that there were cancers all over the room that were being healed: throat, lung, and brain cancer in particular.
Finally Mario asked everyone who needed healing to raise their hands, and had the people around them lay hands on them. He then had them all pray aloud: “I believe that tonight God will heal me. I believe that right now my body is going to change and I’m going to be well.” And finally had the people pray over one another and people’s bodies were touched throughout the Tent.
I was so excited to see what God is doing in the Tent in Batavia! As always, I can’t wait for the reports that come later as people begin to realize their bodies are healed, or who go to their doctor’s and get the healing confirmed.
It was a powerful night. God is birthing something in Western New York, but it will require the people to partner with Him for the necessary breakthrough to see the promised revival.
If you missed the first two nights you have one more chance: Tuesday night, June 25th, at 6:30 PM, in the Tent outside Cornerstone Church in Batavia, NY.
Come and bring someone with you who needs salvation and healing!
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