With the shocking revelations of the moral failures of pastors of well-known megachurches, I am reminded of something the Lord told me in 2015, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court had legalized same-sex marriage.
It happened late one night as I sat in my chair grieving about America’s cultural descent into moral depravity and confusion.
I also grieved at the feckless state of the church, seemingly unable to stand against this godless tide.
I then heard the Lord speak clearly: “There is a lesson for today’s church from the life of Samson.”
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As I then reread the life of Samson in Judges 16, it was clear that the word God wanted to speak to the church was the word “consecration.”The Power of a Consecrated Life
Samson was consecrated as a Nazirite while still in his mother’s womb.Thank you for visiting CharismaNews.com. To enjoy the rest of this CharismaNews post, please visit this link.
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