Liberty Counsel was founded in 1989 to advance life and liberty through litigation, education, and policy. In the early ’90s, we added the third pillar — the family.
In fact, while serving as a pastor in 1983, I was greatly impacted by the pro-life documentary called Assignment Life. I was shocked to witness an early first-trimester suction abortion. I will NEVER forget the images of reassembling the baby body parts. This was my defining moment where God directed my path from the pulpit ministry to the legal ministry.
It was an honor to file our powerful amicus brief outlining the racist, eugenic origins and present-day practice of abortion that was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in overturning Roe v. Wade. But our work is far from done. In fact, our work has just begun. Here’s a brief look.
Sandra Merritt is the first journalist in California history to be prosecuted for truthful undercover reporting. Liberty Counsel represents Sandra in both the multimillion-dollar Planned Parenthood civil suit against her, as well as the criminal trial instigated by former CA Attorneys General Kamala Harris (now vice president) and Xavier Becerra (now Joe Biden’s U.S. Health and Human Services secretary). Sandra faces 16 million dollars in judgments and up to 10 years in prison for exposing abortionists’ own words about their unlawful human organ trafficking scheme. Her case has been the longest and most expensive in Liberty Counsel history.
Joe Biden’s Mail Order Abortion Rule was reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court in March. Shockingly, in a declaration submitted to the Court, the Biden FDA parroted Margaret Sanger’s racist claims by telling the High Court that children should be aborted because they are more likely to be unfit for school, adulthood, and society.
Liberty Counsel submitted an amicus brief in this case, representing the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and the Frederick Douglass Foundation whose more than 70,000 Hispanic and African American churches members are tired of watching helplessly as their populations are devastated by racist elitists who claim “overpopulation” but who mainly seem fixated on reducing the populations of black and brown people.
State-based abortion initiatives are also on our docket. Desperate to revive the abortion industry since Roe was overturned, Planned Parenthood has backed several ballot initiatives around the country, attempting to enshrine abortion into state constitutions as a “right.” Liberty Counsel is fighting these measures in court, as well as mobilizing the grassroots to defeat these “vote for death” initiatives.
In other news, Wednesday, May 1, Florida became one of the safest states for a baby to be conceived. For 35 years, Florida was an “abortion destination” state. An average of 8,000 out-of-staters traveled to the Sunchine State each year to abort their children.
Liberty Counsel filed briefs before the Florida Supreme Court, which overturned the terrible 1989 decision called In re T.W. This activist opinion made Florida an abortion destination. But on April 1, 2024, the Florida Supreme Court overturned this abortion ruling — mirroring what happened at the U.S. Supreme Court.
And NOW on May 1, Florida’s “Heartbeat” bill went into effect, which now will save countless unborn children and their mothers. Florida is now a sanctuary for life.
But this historic shift in Florida could be undone just six months from now, thanks to a Planned Parenthood-backed abortion initiative that seeks to make unlimited abortion up until birth a state constitutional “right.” If passed, Amendment 4 will overturn all abortion restrictions, including health and safety standards. The only law left standing will be parental notification.
And if that does not work, Planned Parenthood has another trick up its abortionists’ sleeves — HR 12 and S 701. Deceptively called the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” this bill seeks to make the same unlimited abortion up until birth a federal right, overturning every single state and local ban, restriction, and “delay” to abortions. Even state-based health and safety inspections of abortion clinics and requirements that abortionists be OBGYNs will be banned.
Because of the recent resignations of Republican members of the U.S. House, the Democrats are just ONE VOTE short of passing this horrible bill.
Fax Congress TODAY and tell them to VOTE NO on HR 12 and S 701.
Liberty Counsel is fighting this death-dealing madness. We will NEVER give up. Meanwhile, Liberty Counsel has many other critical cases pending at the U.S. Supreme Court and across the nation advancing religious freedom and the family.
We cannot perform this important legal work without your support. A special Challenge Grant has been established that will DOUBLE the impact of every donation made today. Please, support our legal fund so we can defend LIFE and LIBERTY. |
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