Planned Parenthood has its sights set on the Sunshine State, which has recently become one of the safest states in the nation for the unborn, thanks to a 6-week heartbeat law that goes into effect May 1.
The abortion lobby hopes to overturn that new law, along with ALL restrictions on abortion in an upcoming voter initiative. If passed, Amendment 4 would change the Florida Constitution to make abortion up to birth a state constitutional right. The measure would also terminate waiting periods, ultrasound requirements, and even health and safety measures designed to protect women seeking abortions.
Michelle Morton, policy counsel for the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Florida, contends that if the amendment is adopted, this new provision would override prior state laws and parts of Florida’s Constitution that recognize an unborn child as a person.
To pass, the ballot measure must reach 60% approval from voters. As of the most recent polls, only 56-57% of Floridians plan to vote for the measure. While that number is only 3-4% short of what Planned Parenthood will need to win, most polls have a 3-4% margin of error ... meaning we are in a neck-and-neck race to save the unborn from the death dealers. We will not give up until every child is safe from the abortionist’s knife.
Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion supporters aren’t taking any chances. In case abortion ballot measures fail, Planned Parenthood has an ace up its sleeve — the U.S. Congress.
HR 12 and S 701, the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act,” is designed to accomplish all Planned Parenthood’s wish list federally. AND THIS BILL IS ONLY ONE VOTE FROM PASSING!
If passed, it will not matter if the voters in Florida, or any other state, reject Planned Parenthood’s proposed “abortion up until birth” ballot measures. Every state law protecting women and children from abortion grist mills would be overturned, including health and safety inspections, doctor credentialling, waiting periods, ultrasound requirements, and more.
HR 12 and S 701 even go as far as to overturn the federal ban on the gruesome partial birth abortion procedure, which murders viable, full-term babies before their heads leave the mother’s womb.
Thanks to recent vacancies in Congress, there is a terrifyingly thin ONE VOTE margin between Republicans and Democrats.
Fax Congress and demand members VOTE NO on HR 12 and S 701. The future of America’s children depends on it.
Please pray. As you know, our battle is not simply with the misguided politicians of this world, but also the rulers and principalities in the spiritual realm. |
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