Here's a quick summary of the top stories on
Satan Tried, But He Couldn't Stop the Evangelization of 80,000 Youth in Tennessee
Every year, tens of thousands of youth pack the fields in Manchester, Tennessee for a classic music and arts festival. Over 150 musicians make music before an ocean of fans for four days.
I join the team every year with one purpose: share with them the love of Christ and help them find a relationship with Him.
Arriving on the grounds with a van load of zealous ambassadors for Jesus, I immediately encountered three obstacles adding to the challenge of the heat and humidity.
Prophetic Minister: Someone Goes to Hell Every Second
I'm saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn't let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris.
The truth is, the intercession of the saints always precedes the salvation of souls. Put another way, surges of intercession drive surges of salvation.
The great soul winner Reinhard Bonnke knew this. He once said, "Evangelism without intercession is like an explosive without a detonator."
Disaster in the Heartland: Wheat Crops Fail on a Massive Scale
Did you know that Kansas is known as "the Wheat State"? In 2021, it produced nearly one-fourth of all wheat that was harvested in the United States.
Needless to say, we really need Kansas to come up big again this year because the war in Ukraine and a number of other factors have combined to bring us to the precipice of an absolutely horrifying global food crisis. Unfortunately, things are not going well in Kansas this year.
In fact, wheat crops in much of the state are failing on a massive scale.
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