500 ‘Evangelical’ pastors recently wrote a letter that accuses believers who support Trump of not being Christian.
They have even invented a new term to describe what they believe to be a threat to the world.
They have coined a new title! “Christian Nationalists.“
I want to show you how wrong and misguided this letter is.
We will begin with a tired model that anti-Trump “Christians” keep misapplying, likening Trump’s America to Nazi Germany.
These pastors who call themselves evangelical are trying to say that there is a group they have labeled ‘Christian Nationalists’ who are attempting to do with Trump what ‘misguided’ German Christians did with Hitler.
And of course, their intention is to make you think of Trump as a kind of Hitler.
In fact, these pastors fancy themselves the new Dietrich Bonhoeffers.
But they couldn’t be more unlike that heroic German pastor who opposed Hitler.
Indeed, these pastors have it totally backwards.
Instead of being men and women of conscience, they are guilty of a profound compromise and deception.
The letter they wrote is diametrically opposite of what Bonhoeffer stood for.

For starters, if Trump is like Hitler, he is doing a terrible job.
The media is against him.
Academia is against him.
Social media is against him.
Hitler, on the other hand, controlled everything.
He suppressed all opposing thought.
He created the original cancel culture.
So, in those ways, Hitler would be more akin to the Left who seek to destroy all opposition.
Link to letter is below.
Where these pastors get it so wrong is in their ignorance of what ‘right wing’ is and what ‘left wing’ is.
The fact is, Nazism is leftist, just as Communism is leftist.
To call Nazism extreme right, is a fallacy.
Nazism began as socialism.
Yes, indeed socialism is the spawn of the far-left regime known as Nazism, aka the National German Socialist Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP).
Again, Hitler was not right wing.
He was left wing. No conservative can be a Nazi.
A true conservative innately abhors Nazism.
Conservatism, as implied by its very name, seeks to conserve the values of a nation, and is thus the natural enemy of both Nazism and Communism.
But this is only the beginning of their errors.
They have invented the term “Christian Nationalists.”
The 500 pastors characterize this fictional group as being composed of Trump supporters who serve Jesus, but have blurred the line between being American and being Christian.
In the view of these 500 pastors, ‘Christian Nationalists’ believe the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are divine documents equal to scripture, and that they are a grave threat to American freedom.
So, I did some checking, and that reminded me of Grape Nuts.
First, let me ask you about Grape Nuts cereal.
Have you ever looked in a box of Grape Nuts?
There are no grapes and there are no nuts, and in that same way, Christian Nationalists are like Grape Nuts.
You can’t find them anywhere, but according to these pastors, they are everywhere.
Instead, finding a Christian Nationalist—a Christian who puts the Declaration of Independence on the same level as the Bible—among those who support Trump, is like trying to find lips on a chicken.
The Christian Nationalist narrative is the Evangelical-woke-pastor’s version of the Russian Collusion hoax.
These pastors are telling an out and out lie.
More to the point—Christianity Today Magazine is also telling a lie. Christianity Today, to quote them about the riot at the Capitol building:
“The responsibility of yesterday’s violence must be in part laid at the feet of those evangelical leaders who ushered in and applauded Trump’s presidency.
It can also sadly be laid at the feet of the white American church more broadly.”
That is a lie. A pretty big lie.

Let’s unpack the lie: Trump vehemently opposed violence.
He even implored the audience on January 6th to protest peacefully.
That is why Trump was acquitted a second time.
What makes it an even more heinous lie is the tinge of racism in the lie about the feet of the white church.
A larger percentage of black and Latino voters cast their ballots for Trump.
Motivated by their pastors, they voted for Trump in greater numbers than for any Republican in history.
Why do these WOKE pastors make it a white thing?
The answer to that is chilling.
Why do I believe these pastors are not like Bonhoeffer, but more like the pastors that Bonhoeffer rebuked?
It is because they are being silent about the true tyranny currently in the White House.
Furthermore, I do not believe that these pastors are behaving like Bonhoeffer.
This letter smacks of the opposite of Bonhoeffer.
They sound more like the liberal German preachers who attacked Dietrich for pulling the church into politics.
That explains why one of these evangelical leaders also makes a scathing attack on Eric Metaxas who wrote the definitive biography on Bonhoeffer.
One of Bonhoeffer’s biggest accusations against pastors was their silence.
Bonhoeffer said of them
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. And God will not hold you blameless.”
The 500 pastors who signed the letter are probably howling because I call them pro-abortion and globalists.
I will add also that they are racist for continuing the white supremacy narrative.
The reason I do is because of their silence—the very silence Bonhoeffer condemned.
Do you hear any of them condemning the Equality Act?
The Equality Act puts men in the little girl’s restroom.
It is the kind of law that will cause incidents like what happened recently when a man was put in the MMA ring with a woman, and he cracked her skull.
When was the last time any of these 500 men and women condemned the unspeakable evil of abortion from their pulpit?
The slaughter of the innocents by doctors is an evil reminiscent of the Nazi ovens and Joseph Mengele.
Hitler’s Final Solution killed about 10 million men, women and children―so far, since 1973, Roe v. Wade has killed over 61 million babies.
Some of these liberal pastors heartily approve of so-called Christian organizations, like Sojourners that have taken money from globalist George Soros.

Because of their blindness about Nazism being right wing, they can ignore the real threat:
the total blackout of civil discourse from Democrats.
The yawning overreach of the Biden administration.
The growing threat to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Jesus talked about straining at a gnat, but swallowing a camel, in Matthew 23:24.
Here is the gnat they strain at: the mythical threat of ‘Christian Nationalists.’
Here is the camel they are swallowing:
the vast tyranny of the Democrat Party and the fact that the church is in the crosshairs.
Here is the clincher that proves they are not at all like Bonhoeffer:
Paul D. Miller, a leading proponent of the lie about the mythical ‘Christian Nationalist’ threat, attacks Eric Metaxas—the author of the biography, titled Bonhoeffer.
Miller said, “The hardcore ideologues need rebuke; for example, Eric Metaxas and how he has gone hard in the direction of pro-Trump advocacy and Christian nationalism.
I disagree with him and I think that he’s harming himself, the nation, and the gospel.”
Two burning questions:
Why is Miller attacking the foremost expert on Bonhoeffer?
And why did Metaxas, the leading expert on what Germany was like at the time of Hitler, conclude after surveying the current landscape, that Trump is the one to support?

Why have these 500 taken such a hard left turn?
And why have they demonized an innocent group of believers?
Let me give the answers in order:
A desperate pharisaical need for acceptance from academia and a misguided sense of superiority over their brothers and sisters in Christ.
These pastors want to look Woke to the establishment.
They do not want to stand out.
They yearn for academic acceptance. Matthew 23:5-7 says
“But all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments. They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’”
Interestingly, this same weakness that kept pastors quiet about Hitler, is keeping these leaders quiet about the evils of Biden.
They do not have a valid argument; they only have a contempt for Christians who support Trump.
That contempt is an arrogant sense of superiority.
Look at how loaded this question to Miller was in this article in Christianity Today: “Question to Miller:
‘What is the draw of Christian nationalism to the “poor, uneducated, and easy to command” Religious Right, as they’ve been described?’”
Now look at what a former editor of Christianity Today, Mark Calli, said about Trump supporters:
“I know hardly anyone, let alone any evangelical Christian who voted for Trump.
I describe evangelicals like me as ‘elite’ evangelicals … and this class of evangelicals has discovered that we have family members so different they seem like aliens in our midst.
These other evangelicals often haven’t finished college, and if they have jobs (and apparently a lot of them don’t), they are blue-collar jobs or entry-level work.
They don’t write books or give speeches; they don’t attend conferences of evangelicals for social justice or evangelicals for immigration reform.
They are deeply suspicious of mainstream media.
A lot of them voted for Donald Trump.”

These words are chillingly similar to former President Barack Obama’s description of rural voters who “bitterly cling to their guns and Bibles,” and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s characterization of Trump supporters as “deplorables.”
That contempt is also in Miller who is part of the 500 and who believes Trump supporters need to be deprogrammed:
“I think the ambassadors are the deceivers and they need to be expelled and rejected,” and, he concludes that we, as Trump supporters, “all need to be deprogrammed.”
The letter from this group of 500 liberals serves a darker purpose: to intimidate Christians into silence.
Kylee Zempel in her article entitled,
“Stop Smearing Christians As ‘Christian Nationalists’ Just Because They Value Both Faith And Freedom,” said this:
“…stories about so-called Christian nationalism would love nothing more than to shame and bully faithful disciples into sitting down and shutting up.
The Capitol riot was a convenient hook for their narrative, but they don’t just believe the people who showed up in Washington that day were religious extremists.
They think all Christians are.
It isn’t that they don’t want you in Statuary Hall.
It’s that they don’t want you on the school board, in journalism, or on campus.
They want to chase you out of churches, out of public office, and even out of political conversations.
“As long we remain on this Earth, Christians will be assailed as bigots and nationalists.
This evergreen dynamic of Christians being not “of the world,” but striving to be faithful while they’re “in it.”
Don’t confuse true believers who rightly fight for both faith and freedom as Christian nationalists.
They’re just Christians.”

Bottom line?
What is the reason for the hatred of Christians, the Church, and Donald Trump?
The Bible says,
“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! For the devil has come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time” (Rev. 12:12)
Make no mistake:
the stealing of the 2020 election and the frantic push by the current regime to undo everything Trump put into place is designed to reshape America into a Marxist, atheistic version of Orwell’s 1984 that would be unrecognizable to the founding fathers.
It is part of the relentless plan of Satan to destroy this nation, the last bastion of freedom in the world.