For the next few weeks, we will focus more on what we can do to get ready for this second American Revolutionary/Civil War.
First, we must discern what the enemy of the truth and our purpose as a nation is seeking to accomplish.
Then we must resolve to know The Lord’s strategy against this and how we can be part of it.
A basic part of the enemy’s purpose is to kill and destroy.
A basic part of our strategy must be to impart life and to build.
The Lord said that His words were spirit and life (see John 6:63).
Therefore, a basic strategy for us should be to fortify ourselves in His Word and be constantly ready to share the Gospel of His kingdom.
The first lie of Satan that succeeded in bringing death and destruction to this world was to get Eve to doubt God’s word and His motives (see Genesis 3:1-7).
This is Satan’s most basic strategy because it still works so well.
I am constantly amazed at how so many that I considered to be strong, mature, and wise Christians have fallen to what the Apostle Paul called “doctrines of demons” (see I Timothy 4:1).
These false teachings seduce Christians by causing them to doubt the validity of the written Word of God.
So how do we counter this?
If even Jesus, who is The Word, took His stand on “It is written,” how much more do we need to do this?
We must determine to daily strengthen ourselves in the Word.
We must not be shaken when many fall to these false teachings as we are clearly warned in biblical prophecy concerning these times.
In Exodus 16:4 and Deuteronomy 8:16-17, The Lord said that He gave Israel manna from heaven to test them to see if they would walk in His ways or not.
This is still a basic test of God’s people to determine if we will walk in His ways or not.
Are we serious enough about following The Lord that we get up first thing every day and seek fresh manna from Him?
What we give ourselves to first, with the best of our time, is good evidence of what we esteem to be the most important.
The Lord promises us that if we seek Him we will find Him, so if we seek fresh manna first thing every day, He will provide it.
What is more important than seeking Him first?
As Jesus explained, He is the Manna that came down from heaven.
If He is still our first love, He will be our first thought every day, and the first thing we will want to do is seek Him.
Encountering Him first thing every day will change our days like nothing else can.
If we start the day with Him, we will find it far easier to abide in Him all day—having fellowship with Him, being directed and guided by Him, and being used by Him.
Now here is a warning:
Jesus is far more addictive than any drug.
This Manna from heaven is addictive.
You will quickly be so addicted to Him that you will start getting the shakes by 10am if you have not had your daily encounter with Him.
And it gets worse.
Soon you will be sneaking time during the day to read a few Scriptures or to pray.
You will not be able to get enough of Him.
Then it gets worse.
There is nothing more attractive than a person getting closer to God.
It won’t be long before others will want to be around you, and will ask why you have so much peace and joy.
They may even think you are doing some kind of drug because you are so happy all of the time.
You will not be able to keep your secret and will end up sharing this with others.
This will make you a dealer who gets many people hooked on Him. In Scripture, this kind of dealer is called an evangelist.
No multi-level marketing has ever grown as fast as the body of Christ when the pure Gospel is shared by those who have a pure love for God.
Pretty soon all of those you got hooked on Jesus will be getting others hooked, and you could end up with a growing multitude of people all hooked on Him and unable to get enough.
In 1989, Bob Weiner, John G. Elliott, and I were doing a radio program when The Lord downloaded on us that He was going to raise up half a million home group leaders in the U.S. that would be a net for the coming harvest.
These would lead people to salvation and get them healed, delivered, and established on a strong biblical foundation.
They would use the II Timothy 2:2 principle to raise up multitudes of laborers for the coming harvest.
These would prepare for the coming harvest spiritually, like one might prepare for war in the natural.
Just as we store up natural food, ammunition, and other resources, these would store up spiritual food—Bibles, Bible studies, books, and recorded messages to give to new believers.
This is why MorningStar exists.
We are called to be a storehouse, a resource center that is like a spiritual armory for the coming harvest.
We want to be ready when the next wave of revival breaks, especially by supplying these home group leaders that we saw in the experience we had recording that radio program.
It’s been thirty years since that time, and I’m more devoted to this now than I’ve ever been.
Anything that happens fast or easily is usually insignificant, and what we’re entering into is big.
There is an incredible net of home groups that will be the main net that holds the coming catch.
Next week we will cover some other basics on how we need to prepare to be a part of the greatest move of God of all time.
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