Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever

Today, we are in The Season Of The Last Generation. The Birth Pains that Christ Jesus spoke about are currently under way, including natural and unnatural disasters. They will be ever increasing. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Social, economic and political turmoil will be ever increasing, causing people's hearts to be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life. An apostasy within the Church of God is currently under way. This will all reach a climax with Satan revealing his Antichrist and requiring that everyone worship him; That every one receive his "mark" in order to buy or sell; The new currency of the New World Order, the New Tower of Babel.

Today, it is critical that those who have a heart for God are aware of what God is doing and speaking today. God is opening up His Word like never before in preparation for The Time Of The END. I exhort you to open up your heart and your eyes to see what He is doing and your ears to hear what God is speaking at this time. My prayer is that we will be able to stand before the Son of Man at His appearing, without fault and with great joy. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's book, America's Last Call at davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com. Also, Google, Tommy Hicks Prophecy, 1961 for a view of the End Times.

Tom's books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, Daniel And The Time Of The END, and Overcoming The Evil One. They are available at amazon.com. They can also be read without cost by clicking on link: Toms Books.

To receive Christ Jesus as a child by faith is the highest human achievement.

Today, the Bride Of Christ is rising up in every nation in the world! Giving Glory to Her Savior and King, Christ Jesus!
Today, the world is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion! Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation!
Today, America is being ground to powder because of it's SIN against God!

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Friday, December 1, 2017


Rev. Graham Responds to Matt Lauer Sex Scandal, “It’s not Misconduct, It’s Sin”

Rev. Graham Comments on Matt Lauer
While many responded with scorn to the news Wednesday that NBC had fired “Today” show anchor Matt Lauer over allegations of “inappropriate sexual behavior,” the Rev. Franklin Graham instead took a moment to remind everyone to be mindful of their own sins.
“What we’re seeing in the recent string of what is termed ‘misconduct’ really boils down to a morality issue — people failing to follow God’s standards, and that is called sin,” the famed son of the Rev. Billy Graham and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association wrote in a Facebook post.
“The Bible tells us, ‘…be sure your sin will find you out,'” the post continued. “This is a warning to all of us to examine our lives. That doesn’t just apply to movie stars, media personalities, and politicians, but to everyone. One sin leads to others and can have a great impact on our own lives and the lives of those around us.”
“Sin has devastating consequences — here on earth, and for eternity. But God is anxious for us to come to Him in repentance and ask for His forgiveness and help. True healing comes through trusting Jesus Christ in faith and following Him as the Lord of our lives.”
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Graham’s point wasn’t that people shouldn’t be angry with Lauer, because they certainly should, but rather that Christians — and all humans, really — ought to prioritize ensuring they themselves live righteous lives versus obsessing over the faults of others.
Lauer’s own history provides a perfect example of this point.
As noted by The Daily Wire, during an interview months earlier with former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, Lauer harangued the 68-year-old political commentator over the allegations of sexual “misconduct” against O’Reilly, essentially accusing him to his face of being guilty.
“(T)hink about those five women and what they did,” Lauer said to O’Reilly. “They came forward and filed complaints against the biggest star at the network they worked at. Think of how intimidating that must have been, how nerve-wracking that must have been.”
“Doesn’t that tell you how strongly they felt about the way they were treated by you?” he then asked.
The irony of Lauer’s remarks were not lost on radio host Rush Limbaugh, who Wednesday afternoon wondered, “What went through Matt Lauer’s mind when he asked these questions?”
“‘We got you, Bill, we got you … and I’ve been doing everything you’ve been doing, Bill, and I’m still here, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha,'” Limbaugh said, imagining Lauer’s mindset.
The point, again, is that instead of harping on O’Reilly over allegations he sexually harassed women — allegations he continues to deny, I might add — Lauer should have been examining his own life and coming to terms with his own culpability.
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And to be clear, Lauer isn’t claiming to be innocent, as he himself admitted in an apology statement released Thursday morning.
As the age-old adage goes, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
H/T CNS News
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