Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever

Today, we are in The Season Of The Last Generation. The Birth Pains that Christ Jesus spoke about are currently under way, including natural and unnatural disasters. They will be ever increasing. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Social, economic and political turmoil will be ever increasing, causing people's hearts to be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life. An apostasy within the Church of God is currently under way. This will all reach a climax with Satan revealing his Antichrist and requiring that everyone worship him; That every one receive his "mark" in order to buy or sell; The new currency of the New World Order, the New Tower of Babel.

Today, it is critical that those who have a heart for God are aware of what God is doing and speaking today. God is opening up His Word like never before in preparation for The Time Of The END. I exhort you to open up your heart and your eyes to see what He is doing and your ears to hear what God is speaking at this time. My prayer is that we will be able to stand before the Son of Man at His appearing, without fault and with great joy. I encourage you to read David Wilkerson's book, America's Last Call at davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.com. Also, Google, Tommy Hicks Prophecy, 1961 for a view of the End Times.

Tom's books include: Called By Christ To Be ONE, The Time Of The END, The Season Of The Last Generation, Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, Daniel And The Time Of The END, and Overcoming The Evil One. They are available at amazon.com. They can also be read without cost by clicking on link: Toms Books.

To receive Christ Jesus as a child by faith is the highest human achievement.

Today, the Bride Of Christ is rising up in every nation in the world! Giving Glory to Her Savior and King, Christ Jesus!
Today, the world is Raging against God, Rushing toward Oblivion! Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation!
Today, America is being ground to powder because of it's SIN against God!

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Monday, June 5, 2017


ACT! For America founder Brigitte Gabriel



'We're seeing girls being killed simply for wanting to wear makeup'

Leo Hohmann
ACT! For America is planning a nationwide “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights” on June 10 that so far has 28 cities signed up to participate.
Organizers say they will be taking a public stand against female genital mutilation, honor violence, the blasphemy and apostasy laws, among other elements of Shariah that are increasingly showing up in American society.
Brigitte Gabriel, the founder of ACT For America, said America is now starting to experience some of the same atrocities of Shariah that her family escaped in Lebanon decades ago.
“We want to increase awareness about certain practices that are starting to happen in our country with the rise of Islamic immigration, because we are now hearing about female genital mutilation, like the cases in Detroit recently announced by the Department of Justice,” she told WND. “Who would have thought in 21st century America, after what women did working so hard in defense of women’s rights that we’d be talking about little girls being horribly mutilated, and that 513,000 girls are at risk of this barbaric Third World procedure, according to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control].”
ACT! will also shine a light on honor killings and honor violence.
“It’s already here in America,” Gabriel said. “We’re seeing girls being killed simply for wanting to wear makeup. Under our Constitution they deserve the same rights and protections.”
She said U.S. feminists are “completely silent on this issue, and that is why we are trying to humanize this issue by putting names behind these atrocities. On our website we have faces of girls and woman who have been killed in the name of honor by their husbands in America. We want to personalize these faces so when people hear about honor killing and FGM they know it is happening here in America to American girls and women, not just in Pakistan or India or Saudi Arabia.”
Scott Presler received his 'wake-up call' after the Orlando attack of June 12, 2016.
Scott Presler received his ‘wake-up call’ after the Orlando attack of June 12, 2016.
Scott Presler, one of the organizers of the event, said the left will try to paint the rallies as “Islamophobic” and anti-Muslim, because that’s what the left always does in its defense of the Islamist agenda.
If radical leftists want to hold counter protests in favor of female genital mutilations, honor killings and the death penalty for former Muslims who have left the faith, they are more than welcome to do so, he said.
“You cannot be pro-Shariah and call yourself a feminist – that is called fake feminism, people like Linda Sarsour are fake feminists and hypocrites,” said Presler, referring to the leader of the Women’s March on Washington after Donald Trump was elected president.
“And we’re not afraid to call them out,” he added. “We are here to protect our communities and educate them on the issues and get them to call their legislators to pass legislation that protects women and other victims of Shariah.”
Presler said his own wake-up call came one year ago on June 12, when the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was attacked by the son of an Afghan immigrant who killed 49 people in an act of jihad.
“I came out as gay after the attack on Pulse. I never intended to come out, at least not this soon, but after it happened, I felt I had to take a stand, I felt obligated, I had to fight for my community, my country,” Presler told WND.
In Muslim-majority countries where Shariah rules, there is no debate as to whether homosexuals should be allowed to marry. The debate is how best to punish them, and in some countries such as Saudi Arabia, how best to kill them – whether by beheading or throwing them off of tall buildings.
“We are under attack simply because of our sexuality. Just like women, just for being born a female you are already under attack, and I think that’s demonstrative of how extreme radical Islam really is,” Presler said. “I had to educate myself and now I’m trying to educate others.”
After the Orlando attack Presler said he joined ACT! For America.
“I had seen Brigitte Gabriel’s videos in the past, but after Orlando that was my wake-up call. Her wake-up call was 9/11, whereas my wake-up call was Pulse Nightclub,” said Presler, who grew up in northern Virginia and now lives in Virginia Beach.
Gabriel told WND the first national anti-Shariah rallies have the goal of humanizing the effects of Islamic law on real Americans.
28 cities in 21 states have so far signed up for ACT! For America anti-Shariah rallies.
28 cities in 21 states have so far signed up for ACT! For America anti-Shariah rallies.
Look to Europe for the model
“We have former imams speaking, former Muslims, gays, women who survived acid attacks, we have everybody coming together and speaking saying ‘we are fed up.’ We do not want to go down the path of Europe,” she said. “What is going on in Europe is a preview of what is coming to America and in fact is already here.”
Gabriel also points to the Orlando attack as an example of what can happen when Muslims fail to assimilate into American culture.
“We want to remind Americans what Shariah says about gays. We have a lot of people in America who may not agree with the gay lifestyle but they would never go out and kill gays, and certainly don’t teach their kids to go into gay nightclubs and blow people up,” she said. “So we want to wake up Americans and make them aware of who we are inviting into our country, we want people to come here who love America and our freedoms and who believe we are all equal in the eyes of God, we want them to assimilate, to adopt our laws, and respect the American culture, not go on importing people into our country who hold values that are completely opposed to our values, our country, our Constitution.
“They are welcome to come here but they are not welcome to mutilate their daughters’ genitals or beat their wives or kill homosexuals.”
Presler said any city can host a march but ACT! wanted to make sure a rally was scheduled for cities and states that have experienced terrorism, FGM or honor violence. Venues such as New York, Orlando, Atlanta, Minnesota, Michigan, and San Bernardino were a priority. Another rally is scheduled for Richardson, Texas, the site of the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial in 2008.
In Lawrenceville, Georgia, just outside Atlanta, a 42-year-old mother and her teenage daughter were attacked outside their own home by a Muslim refugee from Somalia one year ago. The Somali woman, dressed in a burqa with only her eyes showing, beat Dami Arno with her own American flagpole before she was subdued with the help of a neighbor.
  • At the rally in Austin, Texas, a survivor of female genital mutilation, Lauren Morris, will speak. Morris recently made a video about her experience.

“The left will try to make this about hate, saying this is anti-Muslim. No, who is affected by FGM more than Muslim women? We are working for human rights and to protect Muslim women everywhere,” Presler said. “The virtuous left pretends to be for human rights and women’s rights but then they’re defending those who want to establish Shariah law, it’s just very hypocritical.
“What we are doing with this march is uniting people together. You talk to the average guy in the street, he doesn’t know 513,000 girls in America are at risk of FGM. Silence is approval. I can’t be more adamant in making that statement, show up for the rallies or be OK with it.
“This is not anti-Muslim, this is helping to protect all women, including Muslims.”
  • Dr. Muhammad Hamzepour, founder of Iranian American Patriots, will be the featured speaker at the Virginia Beach march. The Iranian American Patriots were enthusiastic backers of Donald Trump for president in the run-up to last November’s election. While Muslim, Hamzepour is an outspoken critic of the current Iranian regime and has voiced hopes that Trump’s presidency will lead to the “overthrow of the terrorist government of Iran.”
  • Miriam Ibrahim will also speak in Virginia Beach about her experience being imprisoned for her Christian faith in Sudan.
  • Mark Lori, a former Muslim and Iranian ex-pat who is viewed as an apostate by Shariah-adherent Muslims, will be speaking in Seattle. Apostasy is punishable by death in many Islamic countries.  Lori converted to Christianity in 1993 and later founded Hayate Abadi Ministries, which means “eternal life” in Farsi, the predominant language of the Persian people. His ministry airs via TV, radio and the Internet. He was studying to be an imam when he discovered that the truth of God lies in Christianity.
Time is running short: America soon to become Europ
“So we have great speakers from all faiths, all walks of life, uniting for this common charge,” Presler said.  “And we will also be in San Bernardino literally outside the center where 14 people were killed by those two terrorists [Sayed Farooq and wife Tashfeen Malik].”
Both Farooq and Malik were Shariah-compliant and Malik was granted a fiancee visa to enter the U.S. from Saudi Arabia.
“So it’s very hard for the left to come against these speakers who have experienced these atrocities, in many cases first-hand,” Presler said. “The total count right now is 28 cities in 21 states and this has been put together in two months. The turn-around has been very quick.”
He said ACT! would like to make the March Against Sharia an annual event.
He expressed a sense of urgency to get the word out as more and more Americans shrink from criticizing Shariah out of fear they will be labeled “Islamophobic,” which is itself a form of the Shariah blasphemy laws.
“Brigitte Gabriel always talks about the 100-year doctrine, for [conquering] America,” Presler said. “It’s very true. Look at San Bernardino, the neighbor didn’t say anything to police because he was afraid of being labeled an Islamophobe. People are afraid to speak out.”
Gabriel told WND she sees ACT! for America as the “resistance movement” against Islamization of U.S. cities being brought on by out-of-control immigration policies.
“And we are going to protect America and preserve our freedoms like the Founding Fathers preserved it for us and that is exactly what we are trying to do with these rallies,” she said.
My comments: If Islam is allowed to obtain a Foothold in America, America will have No Future. Islam is a False and Evil Religion, based on the Koran, that Incites Violence against Everyone, including its own.

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