Exclusive: Joseph Farah predicts U.N. action will mean rise in Palestinian terrorism
I understand there are people reading this who will be put off by that headline.
I get it.
You don’t really think people who are not serial killers or genocidal maniacs are evil.
You would rather just attribute actions to differences of opinion.
So let’s start with why Barack Obama and John Kerry took one big parting shot against Israel at the United Nations by not only refusing to veto the resolution labeling the Jewish state an occupying power but for orchestrating the introduction of this assault on a peace-loving, liberty-loving, self-governing nation – the only one, by the way, in the Middle East.
As Kerry said in his speech, he believes freezing the building of homes on so-called “disputed” real estate would make it easier for Palestinian negotiators to come to the bargaining table.
Let’s put that theory to the test: In 2009, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did just that unilaterally. He imposed a 10-month moratorium on new housing construction in all so-called “disputed” lands except East Jerusalem, which includes institutions like the Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital, not to mention the entire Jewish Quarter of the city. He did this at the urging of the Obama administration.
Did Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas accept the offer to resume negotiations?
Because Palestinian leaders have never and will never accept the existence of a Jewish state. They can’t. Their own people would topple them or kill them.
Steeped in anti-Jewish hatred in the Palestinian education system and media for generations, for most Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (both historically Jewish lands, as the names indicate) there is no meaningful bargaining that can ever take place because the end result is de facto acceptance of a Jewish state.
In fact, the opposite is true. Some settlement growth on the West Bank actually makes it easier for Palestinian moderates to build public support for compromise.
Similarly, there is literally no support in Israel – not from the left or the right – for abandoning East Jerusalem. It will never happen. It’s off the table for the Labor Party and the Likud Party. It would mean giving up the Jewish Quarter of the city, Hadassah Hospital and the Hebrew University for starters, not to mention demolishing thousands of homes in an area disconnected from the rest of the Palestinian Authority population.
Israel will never consider freezing the building of homes in its capital city. The mere suggestion is preposterous. Israel is never going to give away an inch of Jerusalem, nor stop building homes and businesses there.
That’s why this resolution is so ridiculous and why it has caused such an uproar. No one familiar with the reality on the ground and the development of Jerusalem by Israel over the last two decades could think such an idea would ever be accepted by the Jewish state.
That’s why Obama and Kerry and wrong. Now let’s look at why I say they are evil.
Because they just made any hope for a negotiated settlement between Israel and the Palestinians less likely. And, in doing so, made it all the more likely that the unrelenting Palestinian terrorism, rewarded, as it is, by the governing authorities in the Palestinian Authority, will continue and even escalate.
After all, it has obviously convinced the United Nations Security Council to take this one-sided condemnation of the only freedom-loving, diverse, democratic, peace-loving nation in the Middle East.
Read more at comments: What is evil? that which is against God and His Word. The Entire Democrat Party Platform is against God and His Word. This latest action by Kerry and Obama is against God and His Word. Kerry, Obama and the Democrats are Evil people because they are against God and His Word.
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