Today at noon, Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States was sworn into office. With tremendous opportunities ahead of us, we are encouraging bold, active citizenship on the part of every American patriot! Please see my message below – Mat.
A new day has dawned. Today, we are excited about the future. Thank God we have a new opportunity to return America to its fundamental Judeo-Christian values.What a joyous sight to see Barack Obama leaving the White House for the last time. He has done much damage to America, to Israel, and to the world that once looked to America as a beacon of hope and strength. We welcome Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States and look forward to the future.
From the Cabinet, to the Supreme Court, to over 100 open federal judge seats, to the many other appointments, the next 100 days and beyond are critical and we need to surround the President in prayer to make wise decisions. We are standing on the verge of major change that will reverberate around the world.
Not only am I excited about the change coming inside America, I am excited that we will once again stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
I have no illusion that the future will be easy. Radical groups, including the mainstream media, will do everything in their power to lie and disrupt. We must stand strong against the hatred and the lies.
Through our Liberty Prayer Network, we have been blessed to be among many prayer intercessors who have and will continue to pray for this moment and for the future of America every minute of the day. The prayer teams are re-focusing from the presidential transition to the President Trump's first 100 days. This year is a new revolution of faith and freedom. Let us not squander this opportunity.
+ + 2017 will be A New Revolution of Faith and Values!
This is a call to active citizenship – a call that requires us to put aside passivity and commit ourselves to fight for our God-given liberties.
We MUST consistently advance the cause of true liberty! We cannot remain in the "status quo," and by no means can we lose any further ground!
Today, I am calling on America's patriots to help move our nation in the right direction in 2017! I believe that Liberty Counsel and our sister ministries are called to rally and empower American patriots for just such a movement.
Liberty Counsel's vision is to aggressively advance our nation's core values: Love of freedom, individual responsibility, fiscal and moral accountability, the sanctity of life and marriage, and our Judeo-Christian heritage.
We need your continuing help to make it happen! Please, click here to make a generous donation to our vital work:
+ + We MUST stand together now – and throughout 2017.
I rely upon our Liberty Counsel team members – God-fearing patriots like you – to be eager and passionate when it comes to preserving our liberties.
The enemies of true liberty need to know that those of us who love liberty are on the move! Unless patriotic Americans take advantage of our electoral gains, radical secularists will see to it that our nation will continue to devolve to the point of being completely unrecognizable.
Please consider making a special gift so that Liberty Counsel can move forward in 2017 on good financial footing.
Thank you and God bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
P.S. Let's look optimistically forward in 2017. Together, we can change the course of America!
Liberty Counsel's mission is critical. We depend on friends who give whatever the Lord leads. Every gift is deeply appreciated and tax deductible. Again, thank you and God bless you!
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