Magazine headline drops F–bomb on GOP favorite
Cheryl Chumley
Ben Carson’s campaign has come out swinging after GQ magazine launched a profanity-laced attack against the popular presidential candidate, saying the media outlet went way over the top with its F–bomb headline.
The name of the piece?
“F––– Ben Carson,” by Drew Magary.
It opened this way: “You know, the only thing more alarming than Donald Trump leading the Republican presidential field is the fact that Ben Carson is the guy right behind him. While establishment puds like Jeb! Bush and Marco Rubio can’t decide if they want to beat Trump or emulate him, the Good Doctor made it clear this week that he is not only willing to replicate Trump’s signature brand of hot-garbage-spewing, but he’ll say even DUMBER shit.”
Magary then goes on to cite Carson’s widely reported remarks about his would-be reaction to a gunman’s attack in a situation akin to the recent Oregon community college shooting. Carson on “Fox & Friends” commented he would launch a counter-attack on the gunman with the logic, “Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me but he can’t get us all.”
Many saw Carson’s comments as commonsense; others, however, particularly those in the mainstream media and anti-Carson camps, called the remarks insensitive.
Carson also fielded fire after saying the Second Amendment should not be watered because of gun-related violence and that he “never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away.”
Again, many on the pro-Second Amendment side saw his comments as sensible, but plenty on the left slammed him as tone deaf.
GQ took the criticisms to a new level, however.
The writer went on: “Here’s the thing: I don’t believe Carson when he says any of this. … Carson is a soft-spoken fella who knows that he has to make even sillier comments than the competition just so that his silly comments are heard. … You are now bearing witness to an arms race of stupid, because stupid is in such high demand from the GOP base at the present moment. Stupid is what gets you attention, and attention is what gets you better polling numbers.”
Carson’s campaign manager, Barry Bennett, took to national television on Fox News to respond to GQ.
“It’s kind of the height of hypocrisy isn’t it, the enlightened left? Full of intolerance and hatred. It’s amazing,” he said. “Well everybody is stupid who doesn’t agree with them 100 percent. … [Carson] was asked what he would do, and he said what he would hope he would do is fight back. He wasn’t casting judgment on anyone.”
Carson ranks second among the Republican candidates.
The GQ attack comes right after National Enquirer kicked off a hit piece against Carson, dredging up remarks from some of the former neurosurgeon’s past patients who painted him in a negative light, as WND reported.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/gq-slams-ben-carson-with-profanity-laced-attack/#c14PvuM3JJe1olWS.99My comments: The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists cannot stand Christians, and they will go to Any Lengths to Discredit them. And especially if they are Black.
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